Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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The 14th International Conference HONET-ICT ‘2017 has a major theme as “Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life-Using ICT & IoT” – covering various areas in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from Physical Layers' perspective, ICT-Services, Systems, and e-Applications to perspective from judiciary, civil service, urban planning, social services, architecture, healthcare, utilities, agriculture and education. This year’s thematic focus on Smart Cities and Villages(SC&V) with holistic approach will bring together researchers, practitioners, and leaders from urban planning, architecture, transportation, energy, judiciary, civic services, medicine and healthcare, education, water & sewer, agriculture & food supply chain, as well as environment & security areas and so on. 

Keeping to its traditions, it would encompass various enabling technologies including, but not limited to, IoT, 5G, Cloud Computing and Computer Networks. Moreover, the Photonics, Green Energy, and Smart Microgrids tracks will cover efficient energy production/saving technologies and harvesting renewable resources. The rapidly emerging area of Big-data will include data transport, storage, cloud computing and data-analytics as pertains to various sectors of industry and society from education to e-healthcare, e.g., ICT for Healthcare. The expanded scope for the HONET-ICT International Conference will cover R&D topics ranging from new materials and photonics device technologies to intelligent systems consisting of communication networks, cyber-security, e-applications and social networks. 

Global ICT networks enable the high-speed internet by utilizing various photonic- and RF wireless physical layers technologies and networks spanning millions of fiber-optic links over the vast landscape and numerous satellites hovering over the earth. Such technology base is the workhorse for ICT from the architectural, security, signal transport and application perspectives. Photonic, Optoelectronic, and Wireless modes of communication complement each other and enable various communication technologies that are now the life-lines of our increasingly interconnected world. 

The 14th International Conference will be hosted by JUST and ANNU in Jordan in collaboration with UNC Charlotte, USA. The 3-day conference will include various symposia serving social, scientific, technical, and commercial sectors from different regions with a broad global participation. It is poised to cover multiple tracks in various thematic areas i.e., Smart Cities and Smart Villages, IoT, e-applications (e-Healthcare, e-Education etc.), Green Energy, and Big-data & Cloud Computing.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. 

Received papers will be peer reviewed using “IEEE standards and criteria.” Authors should note that only the accepted and presented papers will be eligible for final proceedings. Papers accepted but not presented will be omitted from publications on IEEE Xplore. TPC reserves the right to reject any paper at any stage that is found to be plagiarized or not following the guidelines. 

Paper submissions will be handled via EDAS. See Author Instructions for more details on submission. 

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification
Final paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

Smart Cities/Villages (SC&V)

  • Role of civil services professionals and urban/village planners in defining the blue prints/requirements/features of SC&V

  • Networking, Energy & Environmental friendly infrastructures targeting services that enhance quality of life

  • Traditional and Autonomous Transportation in smart cities

  • Efficient water resources planning and usage

  • Precision Agriculture, vision analytics in isolating diseases, pests and other hazards

  • Healthcare and Educational Services

  • Judicial services (such as virtual court rooms), tele-medicine

  • Enhancing the Social services with ever-evolving technologies while maintaining the local culture

Computer and Communication Networks

  • Wireless Networks

  • Photonic Networks

  • 5G Communication and beyond

  • Software Defined Networks (SDN)

  • Network Security and Forensic Analysis

Cloud Computing

  • Big Data Analytics

  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

  • Datacenter Storage

Enabling Technologies

  • ICT for Healthcare Applications

  • LEDs, Lasers and Solar Cells and Panels

  • Micro Grid Analytics and Management

  • Smart Grids, Microgrids and Renewable Energy

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Important Date
  • Oct 09


    Conference Date

  • May 31 2017

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Jul 10 2017

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Jul 21 2017

    Final Paper Deadline

  • Oct 09 2017

    Registration deadline

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