It is our great pleasure to announce the 4th edition of the International Conference Advances in Magnetics AIM2023.
The Conference will be held in Moena (Trento), Italy, from January 15th to January 18th, 2023, in front of a stunning Alps scenery, during the winter season. Previous AIM conferences took place in Bormio (2016), La Thuile (2018) and online (2021), because of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Moena was the candidate city for hosting the 2021 edition, and is now finally welcoming you in presence in January 2023.
AIM will be a forum for presentation and discussion of the most recent advancements in all the fields of Magnetics, involving theory, numerical modeling, experiments and applications.
The event is open to experts and scientists with different backgrounds (engineers, physicists, mathematicians, material scientists, chemists, biologists, etc) to present, discuss, exchange ideas, methods and results.
The main topics of AIM are: Fundamental properties, Modeling and numerical computation, Electrical machines and power devices, Electromagnetic compatibility, Magnetic levitation and propulsion, Sensors, Measurements techniques and instrumentation, Materials, Non-invasive and non-destructive evaluation, Magnetic recording, Micro- and nano-structures, Spin electronics, Magnonics, Biomagnetism, Artificial Intelligence-based techniques and Other applications.
The 3-day event will include invited and contributed talks, organized in different sessions. Different thematic Symposia, each coordinated by an appointed chair will be announced
General Chairs
Antonino Laudani, Roma Tre University, Italy
Cinzia Beatrice, INRIM Torino, Italy
Steering Committee and Advisory Board
A. Adly, Cairo University, Egypt
F. Albertini, IMEM – CNR Parma, Italy
E. Cardelli, University of Perugia, Italy
M. Carpentieri, Politechnic University of Bari, Italy
G. Finocchio, University of Messina, Italy and IEEE Italy Section MAG Chapter Chair
D. Fiorani, ISM – CNR Roma, Italy
G. Gubbiotti, IOM-CNR Perugia, Italy
K. Hameyer, Aachen University, Germany
E. Martinez, University of Salamanca, Spain
P. Tiberto, INRIM Torino, Italy
S. Rapuano, IEEE Italy Section Chair
F. Crescimbini, Central South IEEE Italy Section IA/PEL Chapter Chair
L. Angrisan, Italy Section IM Chapter Chair
Technical Committee
O. Bottauscio, INRIM Torino, Italy
GF. Durin, INRIM Torino, Italy
A. Faba, University of Perugia. Italy
J. Leliaert, Ghent University
A. Manzin, INRIM Torino, Italy
A. Musolino, University of Pisa
D. Ortega Ponce, Universidad de Càdiz, Spain
V. Puliafito, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
C. Ragusa, Polytechnic of Torino, Italy
F. Riganti Filginei, Roma Tre University, Italy
D. Rodrigues, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
R. Scorretti, University of Lyon, France
A. Stancu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
L. Stoleriu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
S. Tacchi, CNR-IOM Perugia, Italy
B. Tellini, University of Pisa, Italy
R. Tomasello, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
C. Visone, University of Napoli, Italy
Organizing Committee
G. Barrera, INRIM Torino, Italy
M. Coisson, INRIM Torino, Italy
G. M. Lozito, University of Firenze, Italy
Abstract submission will be open on May 15, 2022. The deadline for the submission is June 30, 2022.
Please download, the abstract template and send it to as an attachment in both pdf and word formats.
Abstracts must be one page long and in A4 page size: files with different sizes will be rescaled to fit an A4 page, but legibility will not be guaranteed. Please specify in the email object the technical session and if you prefer to give an oral or poster presentation. In the event that the presenting author is different from the corresponding one, please write in the email body the email address of the presenting author.
Pdf files of accepted abstracts will be collected in the conference Abstract Electronic Book with no further editing. Please make a careful check that title, author names, and affiliations contain no misprints or misspellings, and that you have carefully followed the instructions reported in the template. Corresponding author’s email address will be automatically added by the system on your abstract file when the technical program is finalised.
Abstracts decisions will be announced to the corresponding authors via email by September 15, 2022.
The Scientific Committee will make the final decision on the assignment of abstracts to sessions and the presentation format for each session. In the email notice of acceptance, authors will be notified of the type of session for their presentation.
If you have any questions about the submission procedure, do not hesitate to contact the conference desk at
Jan 15
Jan 18
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Notification of Acceptance
Registration deadline
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