3rd Tech Summit on Artificial Intelligence & Robotics will be held in Tokyo, Japan. AI & Robotics 2024 offers an opportunity to interact with the researchers in the field of AI & Robotics, making Congress a perfect platform to share experiences, foster collaborations across industry & academia, and share emerging scientific updates across the globe. Initiation of cross-border co-operations between scientists and institutions will also be facilitated.
Apr 22
Apr 23
Draft paper submission deadline
2025-04-16 China 北京
2025(第九届)中国国际骨科研究大会暨展览会2024-12-18 China 深圳市
2024深圳国际医疗器械展览会2024-09-12 China Beijing
中国国际服务贸易交易会2024-06-01 China 淄博市
山东理工大学经济学院第四届学术年会2024-05-16 China 武汉
第二十一届“中国光谷”知识产权国际论坛2023-10-12 France Paris
International Conference on Signal Processing and Security 20232023-06-15 China 淄博市
山东理工大学经济学院第三届(2023)学生学术会议2023-05-12 China Nanning
第三届土木工程计算与仿真技术学术会议2023-04-14 China 郑州市
2023年语言,创新教育与文化传播国际会议(CLEC 2023)2023-03-16 China 上海市
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