Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Registration 〔OPEN〕

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The 3rd joint conference of AI & Robotics and the 5th RoboCup IranOpen International Symposium will be held in conjunction with RoboCup IranOpen 2013, during the competitions and demonstrations.The Symposium represents the core meeting for presentation and discussion of scientific contributions in diverse areas related to the main threads within AI, Robotics, RoboCupSoccer, RoboCupRescue, RoboCup@Home and RoboCupJunior. Its scope encompasses, but not restricted to research and education activities within the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Due to its interdisciplinary nature and exploration of various and intimate connections of theory and practice across a wide spectrum of different fields, the symposium offers an excellent opportunity to introduce new techniques to various scientific disciplines. To extend the Symposium beyond RoboCup activities it is jointly held with the 3rd conference of AI & Robotics which will give researchers from different disciplines of AI and Robotics to identify important new trends and challenges in major sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots.
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To extend the Symposium beyond RoboCup activities it is jointly held with the 3rd conference of AI & Robotics which will give researchers from different disciplines of AI and Robotics to identify important new trends and challenges in major sub-fields
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Important Date
  • Apr 08


    Conference Date

  • Apr 08 2013

    Registration deadline

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