We are delighted to announce that the 6th Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference with the 21st International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams and the 15th International Conference on Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and related topics will be held in Estoril, Lisbon, Portugal from 18 to 22 September 2016 at the Estoril Congress Center.
This joint major International meeting will cover a wide range of scientific knowledge and research in the domain of both pulsed power physics and technology, the science of high-power particle beams and techniques for the production and application of megagauss-level magnetic fields. These are some of the most innovative technological fields today with immediate and major practical applications.
The conference will provide a forum for the exchange of scientific and technical information between industry, academic institutions and research organizations on the broad range of current and emerging research areas.
In addition to basic research, the conference will feature the technology, the applications and the various commercial opportunities of pulsed power technology, high power particle beams and ultra high magnetic fields and will not only address the present state-of-the-art but will also highlight future trends.
The main subjects to be discussed include pulsed power technology and applications in the biomedical, environmental and food industry, the newest fusion results from the major research centres, high energy density physics, high power microwaves, high-current accelerators, plasma, ion and electron sources, explosive and non-destructive production of high magnetic fields, high energy liners, physics at ultra high fields and many others, such as a growing number of industrial, environmental and biomedical applications that use Pulsed Power Technology.
During the conference a number of important applications and their corresponding commercial opportunities will be discussed such as: the reduction of pollutants from fossil fuels; application of pulsed plasma and electric field techniques for water treatment and food sterilisation, including extraction and cancer treatment; novel pulsed techniques for separating water from oil; magneto-forming techniques including moulding and unconventional welding of metallic sheets, and much more.
We look forward to your participation and it will be an honor to welcome you all at the EAPPC2016 Conference with BEAMS and MEGAGAUSS in Estoril, Portugal.
The Main Scientific Topics of the Conferences will be:
1. Pulsed Power Physics and Technology, Generators and Components
High-Voltage Insulation and Components
High-Energy Density Storage
Opening and Closing Switches
Linear Transformer Drivers (LTDs), Pulse Forming Lines and Transformers
High-Voltage Power Supplies
Pulsed Power Generators and Networks
High-Power Electronics
Pulsed Power Diagnostics
Numerical Modelling and Computational Techniques
2. Pulsed Power Applications
Medical, Biological and Environmental Applications
Industrial and Commercial Applications
Space and Emerging Applications
Modulators and Pulsed Magnets for Accelerators
Electromagnetic Launchers
3. High Power Microwaves and RF Sources
High Power Microwave Systems and Sources
Compact and Repetitive Pulsed Power Systems
Numerical modelling of HPM Systems
Non-Linear Transmission Lines (NLTL)
4. High-Energy Density Physics and Technology
Fusion Research
Plasma Z-Pinches
High-Power Diodes
High-Power Lasers
Wire Array Implosions
Large High-Current and High-Energy Systems
5. High-Energy Liners
Imploding Solid Liners in Z-pinch and θ-pinch Geometries
Warm Dense Matter: Experiments and Simulation
Dynamic Properties of Materials under Extreme Conditions
Rayleigh-Taylor Perturbations and Mitigation Techniques
Equation of State (EOS) and Isentropic Compression Experiments (ICE)
6. Particle Beam Technology
High-Current Accelerators
Plasma, Ion and Electron Sources
Intense Electron and Ion Beams
Free Electron Lasers
7. Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields
Ultrahigh Magnetic Field Generation and Measurement
Non-Destructive Magnetic Field Technology
Science and Applications in Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields
Magnetocumulative Generators
Autonomous Explosive Pulsed Power
Sep 18
Sep 22
Abstract Submission Deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
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