Directory of Credit Card Failure Codes

Failure Code Definition What it Means What to Do
Refer to issuer. The customer’s issuing bank has prevented the transaction from being authorized. Have your customer call their issuing bank (the number is typically printed on the back of the credit card) and ask why the transaction was declined. Once the issuing bank confirms that they will approve future attempts, try the transaction again. Alternately, ask your customer for a different credit card.
Do not honor The customer’s issuing bank is preventing the transaction from being authorized, and instructing you not to honor the card. Have your customer call their issuing bank and ask why the transaction was declined and clear up any problems that are causing the card to be declined. Once the issuing bank confirms that they will approve future attempts, try the transaction again. You can also ask your customer for a different credit card account, and attempt the transaction again.
Invalid Transaction. The transaction being attempted is invalid-- for example you are trying to issue a credit against a credit transaction (refunding a refund). Make sure that you have selected the correct Payment type for the transaction you are attempting to process, and make sure that all payment batches are properly configured and contain valid entries in all fields.
Stolen or lost card. The customer’s issuing bank has prevented the transaction from being authorized because the card’s rightful owner has reported it as stolen or lost card. For a one time transaction, do not attempt the transaction again, and if possible do not provide goods or services to the person attempting the transaction.
Invalid Card Number. The card number entered is invalid. Double check the number and try the transaction again with a corrected card number.
Expired Card The expiration date entered for the credit card is in the past. NOTE: This error is most common for recurring payment transactions for which the credit card attached to the schedule has not been updated with a new expiration date.  Contact your customer for the current expiration date for the credit card. Edit the credit card account to reflect the new expiration date. Once the expiration date has been updated, you can process the transaction again.
Insufficient funds in the account. The customer’s issuing bank is preventing the transaction from being authorized because your customer is over his/her credit limit for the card (or processing the attempted transaction would cause the customer to go over the limit). Have your customer call their issuing bank (the number is typically printed on the back of the credit card) and ask for a credit limit increase that will permit the transaction to be processed. When the new limit is confirmed, attempt the transaction again. You can also ask your customer for a different credit card account, and attempt the transaction again.
Invalid Card Verification Value (CVV) The three digit CVV2 code on the back of Visa/MasterCard/JCB cards, is in an invalid format or the number simply does not match the one assigned to the card.  You may want to double check with your customer and get a corrected CVV2 code.
Restricted Card This code will appear for one of some reasons: 1. An online payment was attempted by your customer using a credit card that does not allow online payments. 2. Some other reasons restricted by card holder issuing bank. For Reason 1: Contact your customer for a different payment account (credit card or bank account) and attempt the payment again using that payment information. For Reason 2: Have your customer call their issuing bank (the number is typically printed on the back of the credit card) and ask why the card was restricted. Once the issuing bank confirms that they will approve future attempts, try the transaction again.
System Error. A temporary error occurred during the authorization process. Try the transaction again a bit later. 

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