Explanation of payment failure of Credit card (6)
Code | Message | Further action |
20000 | Success | N/A |
40004 | API that does not exist | N/A |
40000 | Illegal parameter [] | N/A |
40013 | Abnormal parameters (cannot be read) | N/A |
40005 | Unsupported request method | N/A |
40015 | Unsupported media type | N/A |
50000 | Unknown exception | Human intervention is usually needed. It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50001 | Merchant was not found | It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50002 | Repeated order transactions! | N/A |
50003 | The query condition cannot be empty! (Order number or start and end time, both cannot be empty at the same time) | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50005 | The cumulative refund amount cannot be greater than the transaction amount! | N/A |
50006 | The source transaction does not support online refunds! | It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50007 | The time range of transaction inquiry cannot exceed ninety days! | N/A |
50008 | The initiating transaction ip is not in the configured whitelist! | Human intervention is usually needed. It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50012 | Repurchase initiation failed, contract information verification failed! | It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50015 | Online refund failed, this transaction does not support the initiation of a refund! | N/A |
50016 | Online refund failed, there are unapproved orders! | Please wait for the refund review to complete. |
50017 | Online refund failed, the source transaction was unsuccessful! | N/A |
50018 | Non-existent transaction order! | Check if the transaction ID or source transaction ID in the request is correct. |
50020 | Forced refund failed, the channel does not support online refund! | It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50021 | Failed to cancel the refund request, the refund has been processed and cannot be canceled! | N/A |
50023 | Card number cannot be empty! | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50028 | Invalid product format | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50029 | Card year/month is invalid | Check if the card info in the request is correct. |
50031 | Card expired card | Check if the card info in the request is correct. |
50032 | Invalid card number | Check if the card info in the request is correct. |
50033 | Unsupported currency | Check if the currency in the request is correct. |
50034 | Invalid transaction type | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50035 | Invalid transaction amount | Check if the amount in the request is correct. |
50036 | Incorrect card information | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50037 | Merchant not enabled | It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50045 | Transaction Website is invalid | Check if the website in the request is correct. |
50047 | Refund transaction must go through the designated interface for refund! | Please use the refund interface for refund transactions. |
50048 | Invalid productType! | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50049 | Invalid subProductType! | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50070 | Subscription contract unavailable | The subscription contract has been closed or cancelled, please create a new subscription. |
50071 | Subscription contract expired | The subscription contract has expired, please create a new subscription. |
50072 | Subscription frequency is illegal | The frequency of repurchase does not match the subscription contract information, please confirm the repurchase frequency. |
50073 | Subscription contract param can not be null | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50074 | Transaction number does not match merchant number | N/A |
50090 | Subscription failed! Merchant customer number cannot be empty! | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50091 | Repurchase failed! The contract number or token cannot be empty! | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50092 | Transaction failed | Human intervention is usually needed. It is recommended that you contact the technical support team to troubleshoot the issue. |
50120 | billingInformation cannot be empty or email and country cannot be empty | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
50121 | risk3dsStrategy is EXTERNAL, mpiInfo not be null | Please check the risk3dsStrategy. |
50201 | Account is disabled or does not exist! | Please contact the operation personnel to confirm the merchant account status. |
50204 | Appid is invalid! | Please contact the operation personnel to confirm the app id status. |
53001 | Invalid 3DS service | The 3DS service is faulty. Please contact technical support. |
53002 | 3DS permission is not available | The 3DS service is usually faulty at the issuer or acquirer . Please contact technical support. |
53003 | No such issuer | There is a problem with the credit card number, for example, the credit card BIN doesn't match the range of any issuer in the acquirer's list. |
53004 | Timeout | A timeout occurred between the acquirer and the issuer. Please try again. |
54001 | Invalid transaction | This code is generated by the issuer when no specific decline reason/code is returned. |
54002 | Invalid merchant | Typically, this does not indicate any general issue with the merchant This decline reason is usually the result of an issue regarding an internal standard. |
54003 | Duplicate transmission. | Indicates that a transaction was sent twice. Please modify it and try again. |
54004 | Payment failed. | Generic error, an error caused by a failed transaction. |
54005 | Common decline | Common error, unknown error. |
54006 | Invalid request parameter value. | Please ensure that the request parameters meet the requirements. |
55001 | 3DS Authentication failure | 3DS verification failed. |
55002 | Invalid billing information | Some information in the billing information is unavailable. Please check and try again. |
55003 | Decline for CVV2 failure | Failure due to CVV input error, please cardholder check it and retry. |
55004 | Incorrect PIN or PIN missing | This error is due to a PIN problem, and may indicate that the card is being blocked due to a security issue, such as exceeding the limit of PIN entry attempts at a point of sale. |
55005 | Lost card or Stolen card | This error code is returned when the card is listed as lost or stolen on the issuer's side. |
55006 | High risk | Failed transactions due to risk control. |
55007 | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit | The transaction amount or count exceeds the permitted frequency for this card or account. |
55008 | Strong customer authentication requried. | This error means that stronger customer authentication is required. |
55009 | Invalid amount or currency conversion field overflow | This error code is the result of an issue with the transaction amount or currency. This code may be triggered as a result of the currency or financial reasons such as insufficient funds. |
55010 | Refer to card issuer | Please refers to the card issuer. It is possible that such transactions could be authorized with voice AuthCode. |
55011 | Card Authentication failed | This error is the card information verification failure, please the cardholder check the card information and try again. |
55012 | Card not effective | Invalid card, please the cardholder check the card information and try again. |
55013 | Card processing is forbidden | Forbidden card, please the cardholder check the card information and try again. |
55014 | No credit account | This usually indicates that there is an issue with the account connected to the credit card, for example, the account is expired, cancelled, or does not exist. |
55015 | No checking account | This usually indicates that there is an issue with the account connected to the credit card, for example, the account is expired, cancelled, or does not exist. |
55016 | No savings account | This usually indicates that there is an issue with the account connected to the credit card, for example, the account is expired, cancelled, or does not exist. |
55017 | Missing or invalid CardData data | Missing or invalid CardData data, please the cardholder check the card information and try again. |
55018 | Expired card or expiration date is missing | The credit card is no longer valid or expiration date is missing. It is also possible that the expiration date does not match the card details. |
55019 | Do not honor | The most common and general issuer decline code. This code is generated by the issuer when no specific decline reason/code is returned. |
55020 | Retain Card | Retain Card, please the cardholder check the card information and try again. |
55021 | Restricted card | Restricted card, please the cardholder check the card information and try again. |
55022 | Rejected by customer | N/A |
55023 | Custom Fraud Screen Filter. | N/A |
55024 | Suspected fraud | The transaction is suspected to be fraudulent. |
55025 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder | The issuer did not allow this transaction against this card based on internal reasons, such as the transaction originated from a specifically restricted industry or country. |
55026 | Insufficient funds | The credit card holder lacks sufficient funds to complete the transaction. |
55027 | Transaction failed trying again later. | Please try again. |
55028 | Soft Decline – Authentication is Advised. | User error - general cause - please try again. |
55029 | Cardholder withdrawal frequency limit | User error - general cause - please try again. |
55030 | Invalid issuing account | N/A |
55031 | Abnormal issuing account | N/A |
55032 | Invalid Card Number | User error - incorrect card number. |
55033 | Cryptographic failure | User error - incorrect password. |
55034 | Unsupported card type, please contact support. | Please contact support. |
55035 | Decline by route. | Please contact support. |
55036 | Filter error, please contact support. | Please contact support. |
55044 | The order is closed. | N/A |
55045 | Exceed Refund window. | N/A |
55046 | Closed Account | N/A |
55047 | User confirmation failed (Shopify) | User error - User failed to confirm transaction on Shopify |