For 6 years, ZIMEC has played a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable growth path for the development of Zambia’s mining and energy sectors.
Around 70% of Zambia’s earnings currently depend on copper mining while over 90% of electricity is generated via hydro. Zambia’s economic sustainability in these challenges times, lies in diversifying from copper and hydropower, and attracting the necessary investments to strengthen the mining sector and increase electricity capacity through alternative renewable power sources.
With this in mind, the 7th Annual Zambia International Mining and Energy conference and exhibition (ZIMEC 2017) under the theme of Mining and Energy Development in Zambia – Increasing Economic Activities, will take place from 22 – 23 June 2017.
The event will once again bring together government, industry players, and other stakeholders to connect, share ideas and continue strengthening the country’s economy.
We look forward to welcoming you to Lusaka!
Jun 22
Jun 23
Registration deadline
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