International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) serves as one of the largest international forums for researchers involved in all aspects of optical communications and networks. It has been held annually tracing from 2002 and sponsored by IEEE Photonics Society. All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI Compendex.
The 16th ICOCN (ICOCN'2017) will be held in Wuzhen, the most famous & historic water town in China, on Aug. 7-10, 2017. It's our great honor to invite you to participate in this great event and to enjoy the special views and life over there.
Track 1 : Optoelectronic integration, devices and materials
Semiconductor lasers, modulators, amplifiers and detectors
Optoelectronic integration and on-chip subsystems
Free-space and MEMS optical devices
Other photonic devices for switching, interconnection etc.
Track 2 : Optical fibers and fiber-based devices
Fiber design, fabrication and characterization
Optical fiber passive devices
Optical fiber lasers, amplifiers and other sources
Nonlinear and ultra-fast fiber optics, etc.
Track 3 : Transmission systems and networks
Coherent optical transmission systems
Modulation formats and multiplexing technologies
Optical wireless, subsystem for fiber communication
Access, local area and home networks, etc.
Track 4 : Photonics sensors and applications
Optical fiber sensing technology
Applications of photonics sensors
Track 5 : Microwave photonics and optical signal processing
Analog optical links for microwave & mm-wave transmission
Microwave photonic signal processing
Photonic techniques for antennas and beam-forming
Terahertz (THz) technologies and applications, etc.
Track 6 : Optical measurements & metrology
Track 7 : LED and photovoltaic technologies
Track 8 : Space communications, navigation & tracking
Aug 07
Aug 10
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
2023-07-31 China Jining
2023 21st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks2022-08-15 China Shenzhen
2022 20th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks2021-08-23 China Qufu
2021 19th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks2019-08-05 China 黄山市
International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks2016-09-24 China Hangzhou, China
2016 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks2014-11-09 China 苏州市
13th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks2013-07-26 China 成都市
The 12th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN)2009-09-15 China 北京市
International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks 2009,
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