The LASNPA (Latin-American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications) is a traditional symposium which takes place every two years since 1995 in different countries of Latin America. For the next symposium, Cuba was chosen to hold the LASNPA. This series of symposia is attended by the most important nuclear physicists of Latin America and has the participation of several scientists from the USA, Europe and Asia.
The XII LASNPA is being organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
In the framework of XII LASNPA will take place the III School on Medical Physics, which will be oriented to exchange information and experiences on the current advances in medical applications of nuclear and radiation technologies and sciences. The School is orientated to postgraduate students in Physics or Medical Physics as well as medical physicists and researchers. The school has a twofold purpose of both a school of short courses and a workshop.
The WONP and the NURT (Workshops on Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Related Techniques) are key Cuban Scientific Meetings in the field of Nuclear and High Energy Particle Physics and peaceful applications of nuclear techniques in the economic and social life. WONP-NURT Symposia has a biannual frequency, hosting delegates and invited scientists from more than 40 countries from all over the world. Since 2009 a pre-conference school is also organized. In this edition the Symposium NURT is celebrating its 20th Anniversary.
The LASNPA-WONP-NURT 2017 will be organized jointly by the Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnológicas y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN) and the Instituto Superior de Ciencias y Tecnologías Aplicadas (InSTEC) in co-ordination with the Agencia de Energía Nuclear y Tecnologías de Avanzada (AEN&TA) and the Cuban Physics Society (SCF). LASNPA-WONP-NURT 2017 will be devoted to the discussion of current problems in various fields of applied and fundamental research.
Hadron Structure, Phases of Nuclear Matter, QCD.
High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
Medical Physics.
Nuclear Analytical Techniques and Applications in Art, Archeology, Environment, Energy, Space and Security.
Nuclear Instrumentation and Facilities.
Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions and Exotic Nuclei.
Precision Measurements with Nuclei, Fundamental Interactions and Neutrinos.
Oct 23
Oct 27
Registration deadline
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