We are pleased to invite the academic and business community to participate in the CISTI'2017 - 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held between the 21th and 24th of June 2017, at Lisbon, Portugal. CISTI is a technical and scientific event, whose purpose is to present and discuss knowledge, new perspectives, experiences and innovations in the Information Systems and Technologies field. Papers accepted and published in CISTI'2017, depending on its type, will be available in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be sent for indexing in ISI, Scopus, EI, INSPEC and Google Scholar.
Submitted papers must follow the main themes proposed for the Conference (the topics proposed in each theme constitute a mere framework reference; they are not intended as restrictive):
A) OMIS - Organizational Models and Information Systems
Information Systems Planning and Management; Business Integration; Information Systems Architectures; Project Management; Information Society; Virtual Organizations; e-Government; e-Commerce; e-Business; e-Portals; Web 2.0; Communities of Practice; Social Aspects of Information Systems; Enterprise Information Systems; Accounting and Management Information Systems;Geographic Information Systems.
B) KMDSS - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Management and Ontologies; Knowledge Acquisition and Elicitation; Ontology-driven Knowledge Engineering; Ontology Design and Engineering; Decision Support Models; Decision Support and Software Engineering; Statistical Decision Models and Algorithms; Business and Competitive Intelligence; Data Warehousing and Data Mining
C) SSAAT - Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools
XML and Internet Languages; XML and Data Management; Web Architectures and Applications; Multimedia Tools and Applications; Multimedia Analysis and Processing; Content Management and Distribution; Computer Security; Intelligent Agents; Software Engineering and Quality Metrics; Metadata, Modelling and Semantics.
D) CNMPS - Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems
Interworking Heterogeneous Networks; Systems over Home, Body and Personal area Networks; Applications of Ad-hoc, Sensor and Vehicle Networks; End-to-End Protocols Over Heterogeneous Networks; Middleware for Supporting Mobility, Context-aware and Location-based Computing; Security in Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems; Software Engineering Support for Pervasive Applications; Novel Applications of Pervasive Computing; New HCI Challenges in Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems; Test and Evaluation of Pervasive Systems.
E) HCC - Human Centered Computing
Human Centered Computing; Human-Computer Interaction; Human Systems Design; Evaluation of Systems Applied to Users; Assessment; Devices Design (from hardware or software view); E-M-V Systems; Usability; Accessibility.
F) HIS - Health Informatics
Electronic Health Record; Clinical Decision Support Systems; Knowledge Management for Healthcare; Evidence-based Health Services; Biomedical Data Management; Biomedical Images Processing; Telemedicine and eHealth; Mobile Computing in Healthcare; Integration and Interoperability; Health Portals; Standards; Ethic, Privacy and Security; Legislation; Curriculum models in Health Informatics.
G) ITE - Information Technologies in Education
Digital Divide; e-Learning Methods and Case Studies; Mobile and Pervasive Technologies; Digital Games; Multi-user Virtual Environments; Informal Learning; New Classroom Technologies (PDAs, Interactive Witheboards, etc.); Personal Learning Environments; Visual Media (Videoconference; Digital Photography); e-Portfolios and Social Software (Wikis, Blogs, Podcasting, etc.).
H) AEC – Architecture and Engineering of Construction
Architecture Project and Education; Building Engineering; Facilities Management; Structure; Sustainability; Acoustics; Efficiency; Urbanism; Sustainable urbanism; ICTs and Architecture; Conservation, safety and maintenance; New visual technologies (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed models, on-line visualization); Rendering; “Gamification”.
Jun 21
Jun 24
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
2024-06-25 Spain Salamanca
2024 19th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)2023-06-20 Portugal Aveiro
2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies2022-06-22 Spain Madrid
2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies2021-06-23 Portugal Chaves
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies2018-06-13 Spain
2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies2016-06-15 Spain Las Palmas, Spain
2016 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies2014-06-18 Spain
2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies2013-06-19 Portugal
2013 8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
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