The 4th Friends of Israel Urological Symposium (FOIU), to be held in Tel Aviv, Israel, July 3-5, 2018, follows the highly successful and well attended previous FOIU Symposia held in 2012, 2014 and 2016.
The 2018 Symposium will continue as a unique initiative, creating an unparalleled opportunity for local and international Urologists, Oncologists, Uro-pathologists and Uro-radiologists to meet in Israel for an unforgettable scientific and social forum.
The program planned for this meeting is exceptional in its combination of high-level scientific content with exciting lectures by Israel's world-renowned leaders, to provide you with a "taste of Israel."
We believe that this symposium is an excellent and exclusive networking platform, where valuable partnerships and collaborations with the Israeli urological community can be created.
We look forward to welcoming you to Tel Aviv!
Jul 03
Jul 05
Registration deadline
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