The International Design and Test Symposium is an IEEE-sponsored technical event devoted to exploring emerging challenges and novel concepts related to the design, test, automation, and reliability of electronic systems ranging from integrated circuits through multi-chip modules and printed circuit boards to full systems. IDT is a unique forum to discuss best practices and novel ideas in design methods, tools, test, and reliability in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. The Symposium is initiated by and in affiliation with the IEEE TTTC (Test Technology Technical Council) and the 2017 edition is organized by Kuwait University (KU). It is also technically sponsored by IEEE CEDA (Council on Electronic Design Automation).
The IDT moves around the countries of the MEA region, making the member countries benefit equally to the fullest extent. This year, IDT will be held in Kuwait. Kuwait is known of its support to advancing research in the region.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Design Methods and Tools:
IP and SOC Design
Multiprocessor/Multi-core Systems
Embedded Systems
Analog, Mixed Signal and RF Design
High Speed Circuits Design
Design of MEMS and MOEMS
Low Voltage and Low Power systems
Innovative Technologies
Real Time Systems
Simulation, Validation & Verification
System Specification and Modeling
Formal Methods and Verification
System Design/Synthesis/Optimization
Test and Reliability:
Automotive Reliability & Test
IP and SOC Testing
Multiprocessor/Multi-Core Systems Test
Memory & FPGA Test & Repair
Internet of Things Test
High Speed, Analog, Mixed Signal & RF Testing
Defect and Fault Modeling
On-line Testing / Fault Tolerance
Fault Simulation, ATPG
Reliability Failures/ Modeling
Circuit Reliability
Electronic System Reliability
Dec 17
Dec 19
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
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