Her main contribution to the field of applied linguistics is in the area of vocabulary acquisition in additional languages. Her secondary contributions are in the areas of lexicography, cross linguistic influence and corpus analysis. Most of her studies have relevance to second language acquisition research, language testing, dictionary study and design, computer assisted language learning and research, language syllabi and teaching methodology.
Thematic fields:
Terminological theories and their application
Terminology and lexicography
Psycholinguistics and LSP
Cognitive aspects of LSP
Sociological and cultural aspects of LSP
Communication aspects in LSP
LSP didactics at tertiary level
Discourse analysis in LSP
Translation in LSP
Teaching LSP as a foreign language
Teaching LSP as a foreign language to students with visual impairment; deaf and hard of hearing students; students with dyslexia; etc.)
Testing in LSP
Genre analysis
Corpus analysis
Technology-assisted teaching/learning in LSP
Project-based learning in LSP
Interdisciplinary aspects – synergy of subject field and foreign language
Classification, methodology of the development and evaluation of teaching materials
Methodology of designing LSP syllabi
Needs analysis
Other topics connected with language for specific as well as language for academic purposes
Feb 22
Feb 24
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Notification of Acceptance
Registration deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
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