We are pleased to announce that the workshop on “Impact of Exotic Nuclear Structure on Explosive Nucleosynthesis” will be held at Beihang University (BUAA) in Beijing, China from November 23rd to 24th, 2017, being hosted by International Research Center for Nuclei and Particles in the Cosmos (IRCNPC) and International Research Center for Big Bang Cosmology and Element Genesis (IRCBBC) in BUAA. The aim of this workshop is to address various aspects of nuclear structure that affect nuclear masses and reaction/decay rates, and to discuss their impact on nuclear astrophysics, with a particular focus on the synthesis of medium- to heavy-mass nuclei in explosive stellar environments.
The workshop program will include the major topics both in experimental and theoretical researches on:
Experimental works of nuclear properties related to nucleosynthesis
Recent progress in study of neutron-rich isotopes far from stability
(n,γ) and (γ,n) reactions and their impact on s- and r-process paths
Fission in heavy-element synthesis
Effects of nuclear isomers in nucleosynthesis
New ideas of nucleo-cosmochronometer/-cosmothermometer
New experimental techniques and facilities
Theoretical challenges to study the origin of medium to heavy nuclei
Global calculations of nuclear mass, deformation, and fission
Roles of neutrinos and nuclear weak response in astrophysics
Modeling supernovae, GRB, and neutron star and black hole merger dynamics
Developing nucleosynthesis code for r-, s-, γ-, νp-processes
Nov 22
Nov 23
Registration deadline
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