The geological history of Mexico represents a very interesting scientific object for Mexican and foreign researchers. As a country with a vast geological heritage (metallic and non-metallic mineral, petroleum, etc.) the development of geological studies was first determined by economical and governmental circumstances. In particular the Jurassic geology was of paramount interest since the end of 19th century. The first work on Jurassic flora and fauna from the Oaxaca State was published in 1888-1899. In 1895, the recently established Institute? Geologico de Mexico published its first bulletin. It focused on marine Jurassic ammonites, bivalves, and brachiopods from San Luis Potosi. Years later, in 1906, this institution organised the 10th International Geological Congress, and many important contributions to the stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks were made. At his time, and in subsequent year (1906-1929), diverse monographs were dedicated to mainly marine Jurassic palaeontology for the states of Durango, Oaxaca, and Guerrero.
After the Mexican Revolution (1910), the petroleum exploration determined the main course of the geological studies, and many investigations were made by Mexican and foreign geologists: sadly, most of that research went to petroleum companies archives and were not published. From 1936 to 1945, Mesozoic outcrops in northern and northeastern Mexico were studied with clear stratigraphic and paleontological objectives, greatly improving our knowledge of the Jurassic System.
In 1956, now in connection with the organisation of the 20th International Geological Congress, the region saw another period of intense investigation advocated to Early Jurassic ammonite faunas.
Later on, and once again driven by petroleum exploration, paleontological and stratigraphical studies contributed to improved correlation of Jurassic ammonites. In recent time, research at several educational and government institutions has become of significant influence to global Jurassic palaeontology, stratigraphy, paleoenvironmental, tectonics, and paleogeography.
The objective of the 10th International Congress on Jurassic System, 2018 is to join us in San Luis Potosi, a very important state located in the central part of Mexico, only four hours driving from Mexico city, with a geological and historical richness that made it a wonderful place to develop the Congress, to discuss the advances in Jurassic research. Also during the field trips we will show interesting outcrops to understand the geological history of the Mexican Jurassic.
TOPICS OF THE CONGRESSMarine and non marine Jurassic StratigraphyBiostratigraphy Sequence stratigraphy Isotope stratigraphy Ecostratigraphy Magnetostratigraphy Cycle stratigraphyJurassic life in space and timeSedimentary basin analysisGeodinamics and evolutionPaleoceanography and paleobiogeographyJurassic petroleum geologyGeo-Parks and paleontological heritage
Feb 04
Feb 10
Registration deadline
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