Over the past several years, software systems have increased in complexity, size, and criticality. Conceptual models, i.e. graphical representations, have proven to be a useful tool for the industry. It has widely been shown that using graphical representations aids in communication, simplifies prioritization of artifacts, enables code-generation, fosters quality assurance, and assist knowledge discovery. Hence, conceptual models are widely used, for instance, as source for discussions with stakeholders in requirements engineering or architecture design. Furthermore models become tightly integrated into the development process, like in model-driven development or in model-based engineering. Therefore, computer science curricula, industry consultants, and educators at large have begun focusing on the application of conceptual models during software development. However, there remain open and recurring questions regarding what differentiates a “good” conceptual model from an inadequate one, how to use conceptual models of different types in conjunction with one another in a meaningful way, or simply how to avoid ambiguity and vagueness.
The following individuals give their utmost to make TeCoMo a success:
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen Essen, Germany marian.daun@paluno.uni-due.de |
Jennifer Brings University of Duisburg-Essen Essen, Germany jennifer.brings@paluno.uni-due.de |
Bastian Tenbergen State University of New York at Oswego New York, USA bastian.tenbergen@oswego.edu |
The Call for Papers is now published and can be found here: TeCoMo-CfP v2 .
The submission link and formatting instructions can be found here: https://tecomo2019.wordpress.com/submission/
We accept original manuscripts, up to 10 pages in length. Topics should pertain, but are not limited to the following categories:
Please submit your original manuscripts through the HICSS-52 Submission System : http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/
Strict adherence to the HICSS-52 Author Instructions is mandatory. Submissions in violation of the formatted guidelines will be rejected without review.
Classical paper presentations shall lay the foundation for discussions, so evaluation of submitted manuscripts will place emphasize on their ability To foster collaboration and discussions.
Particular the In, and WE Seek preference Experience Empirical Results Reports. We Explicitly Encourage Reports of Experiences negative, failed attempts unsuccessful attempts, or Poor Discussions Results in Order to provoke, Find commonalities, and surmount Challenges.
Upon acceptance, papers will be published in the HICSS proceedings. For each accepted paper, at least one author is expected to attend the minitrack and present their work.
Jan 08
Conference Date
Draft paper submission deadline
Final Paper Deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Registration deadline
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