Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Registration 〔OPEN〕

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I IPEASA 2018 is an event that will take place in Itaituba-PA (Brazil). The event will be held by the Institute for Research in Sustainable Cultural and Environmental Studies of Amazonia and this year will hold the first edition of its colloquium. Students and researchers who work in the areas of interest of this event are invited to submit short papers (from 3 to 4 pages), abstracts (up to two pages) and long papers (10 to 12 pages) with partial or final results of researches or academic / technological works.

The IPEASA International Colloquium is a multidisciplinary proposal that will develop integrated interdisciplinary actions and possible outputs as a mediator of conflicts in the region. From this perspective, make public the science and studies carried out in the region and their confrontations. The event has the following specific objectives:

  • Broaden discussions on environmental problems and socialize scientific knowledge produced with groups with less access to information by encouraging the involvement of these populations in the construction of public policies;
  • Organization of a database with scientific works to support the scientific discussion on the problems of the region as well as to support the public policies of regional development.
  • Promote the exchange of educational material on the environmental issue at the national and international levels.
Scope: International: France, Switzerland, Brazil and Colombia

Target Audience: Researchers, environmental educators, indigenous populations, riverine populations, social movements, governmental institutions, non-governmental institutions, students and others interested in discussing the socio-environmental issues of the Tapajós River, Amazon and Pan-Amazon region

Scientific Committee:
  • Prof. Dra Ligia TL Simonian NAEA / UFPA
  • Prof. Dra Edna Castro NAEA / UFPA
  • Prof. Dra Maria Ludetana Araujo GEAM / UFPA
  • Prof. Dra Marilena Loureiro GEAM / UFPA
  • Prof. Dr. Maria Soeli Farias Lemoine Sourbonne / France
  • Prof. Dr. Lidiany Camila da Silva Carvalho
  • Prof. Dr. Lissandro Botelho -IFAM / AM
  • Prof. Dr. Wagner Fernandes Veiga da Silva (archaeologist)
  • Prof. MsC Marcia Lasmar Bieri Swiss-Brazilian Association of Support in the Amazon
  • Prof. MsC Tiese Rodrigues Teixeira UNIFESSPA
  • Prof. MsC Valéria Maria Pereira Picanço - UFT / TO
  • Profa MsC Antonieta Rocha- UFPA
  • Ademir Kaba Munduruku- Anthropologist
  • Edireyson Smith- Art Consultant
Overall coordination:
  • Dr Maria Soeli Faria Lemoine
  • MsC Márcia Lasmar Bieri
  • Esp. Regina Lucirene Macedo
  • Profa Esp. Eliete Lima
Call for paper

Important date

Abstract submission deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification


  • T1 - Cultures, traditional knowledge, techniques and knowledge of the Peoples of the Tapajós Region, the Brazilian Amazon Region and the Pan-Amazon Region. Lecturer : Profa Dra Ligia Simonian - Professor of the Center for High Amazonian Studies - Federal University of Pará.
  • T2 - History of colonization, occupation and migration in (and to) the Amazon and in the Countries of the Indigenous Pan-Amazon. Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Edna Castro -NAEA -UFPA.
  • T3 - Memory and history of the garment industry in the Tapajós region, in the Amazon region and in the Pan-Amazon region.
  • T4 - Economic cycles and large government and private economic projects in the Tapajós region, in the Amazon region and in the Pan-Amazon region: benefits, losses and socio-environmental impacts. 
  • T5 - Archeology in the Tapajós, new perspectives and contexts. Lecturer: Dr. Wagner .
  • T6 - Art, Crafts, Objects and archaeologies of the indigenous civilizations of the Tapajós, Amazon and Pan-Amazon Region - Recognition, Alteration and Identification by the Indigenous Populations of the Objects exhibited in the Museums. Lecturer: Profa. Dr Maria Soeli Farias Lemoine - Post-doctorate from the University of Strasbourgo, France, Center for Cultural Anthropology Sorbone-Paris-Descartes and associate member of the Museum du Quai Branly, Paris. 
  • T7 - Environmental Laws, protection of the areas of environmental preservation in the Tapajós region, in the Amazon and Pan-Amazonia versus and the disappearance of the species. 
  • T8 - Theory and Pedagogical Scientific Practice in Environmental Education in the Tapajós, Amazonia and Pan - Amazonian Regions. Workshops and Pedagogical Practices in Environmental Education in the Cities of the Amazon. Lecturer: Profa. Dr. Maria Ludetana Araujo  - Federal University of Pará.
  • T9 - Sustainable Development, Animal Raising and Industrial Agriculture, Deflorestation and Burning of Protected Areas, losses of Amazonian biodiversity, Impacts on humid tropics and global warming.
  • T10 - Caring for the Amazon by taking care of Water. Lecturer: Profa Doutoranda Raimunda Lucineide Gonçalves Pinheiro - Professor of the Educational Sciences Institute of UFOPA de Santarém; coordinator of the "Escola d'Agua" Project. PhD student of the Environmental Sciences Course in the program, Society and Nature of UFOPa, Santarém-Pará.
  • T11 - Environmental, Ecological and Public Management Programs, Projects and Alternatives for improving the quality of life and public health in Brazil, the Amazon, Para State and Tapajós region. 
  • T12 - Environmental Education and Intercultural Dialogues in the Amazon and Pan-Amazonian Scenarios - Conférence: Professor Marilena Loureiro - Director of the Research Group on Education, Culture and Environment of the Education Institute of the Federal University of Pará.
  • T13 - Trash of cities and fields; the recycling of recycled and recycled materials and the effects on the environment and the transformation of waste into and improving the quality of life of citizens, families and communities. 
  • T14 - Mapping of the Tourist Hubs of the Tapajós region, of the Municipality of Itaituba and of the other municipalities - what each municipality offers to the tourist and visitor. Lecturer: AMUT and Transamazon Intermunicipal Consortium .
  • T15 - The economy of the municipality of Itaituba - scientific research and results.
  • T16 - Thematic Axis: The History of the Media, Literary and Poetic Production of the Municipality of Itaituba. 
  • T17 - Climate Change and Food Security in the Amazon and Pan-Amazon. Lecturer: Dr. Clara Terko Takaki Brandão- Founder of Seara de Santarém - Resource and Resource Utilization Society of the Amazon, Santarém, Para. Médica and Nutrologa - Invented Multimistura in Brazil. Implanted Multimixture Program in Brazil and Latin America


Submission Rules

  1. Proposals should be submitted through the following website:
  2. Submissions must not have been previously published and are not being evaluated or edited for publication in another event and / or periodical;
  3. Each job (Summary or Expanded Summary) should be submitted for only one track. Entries submitted for more than one track will be rejected
  4. Work will be accepted in Portuguese or English
  5. Submissions that are not finalized (with data requested by the EasyChair platform and with the corresponding PDF file of the work properly uploaded according to established rules) will be rejected.
  6. On the cover page of the work submitted, in any of the tracks, there should be no identification of the authors. The works should also not contain information in the text that allow to infer its authorship. Articles that allow authorship identification will be rejected. Authorship information should be provided exclusively on submission by the EasyChair system.
  7. To avoid identification, it is suggested to avoid direct mention of personal names (teachers, students, schools, municipalities, etc.), changing them by generic identifiers (School A, Student 1, etc.)
  8. .
  9. Summary - (1 page) - preferably reporting ongoing research and / or partial results;
  10. Extended Summary - (3 to 4 pages) - reporting preferably completed research.
  11. Each participant may submit and present up to 2 papers
  12. Formatting of works: in accordance with the available template:
  13. The articles should be associated with one of the seventeen themed tracks.
  14. The opinions of the members of the Scientific Committee of the event are conclusive and, as such, are not subject to appeal or review.

Presentation Modes

  1. Poster: this modality of work will include researches and studies in progress and reports of experiences in the theme of this conference or studies with partial or final conclusions. 
  2. Dimensions of the poster / banner:  100 cm high x 0.90 cm wide, font 24; at the top must be the identification of the work: abstract title, authors name, email, supervisor's name, institution, if fellow, state the name of the development agency. In the body of the work must be presented in a clear and objective way: introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusion. Figures, graphs, tables and photos must have identification title. Avoid excessive detailing of information.
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Aug 09



    Aug 12


  • Jun 05 2018

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Jun 30 2018

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Jul 05 2018

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Aug 12 2018

    Registration deadline