We invite you to participate in Dynamics Days LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) 2018, the fifth such meeting, following those organized in Brazil (2010), Colombia (2012), Chile (2014), and Mexico (2016). On this occasion, the conference will be held in the beautiful city of Punta del Este, a peninsula located at the southernmost point in Uruguay, where the Río de la Plata river meets the Atlantic Ocean, and only an hour and a half away from the capital city, Montevideo.
Contributions are invited on experimental, computational, applied, and theoretical research in all areas related to non-linear dynamics, including (but not limited to), chaos, control theory, non-equilibrium statistical physics, complex networks and systems, computational methods, fluid dynamics, granular materials, neural dynamics, non-linear waves, pattern formation, quantum chaos, stochastic processes, and systems biology.
Since its beginnings, a key goal of the Dynamics Days LAC has promote cross-fertilization of ideas from different areas. In particular, the meeting is also willing to form exciting to encourage active participation from young scientists, through invited and contributed oral presentations or posters. On this occasion, there will be also thematic mini-symposia, ranging from brain networks, power grids and information technology, to smart cities and social networks.
International Organizing Committee
Ana Amador, Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires & IFIBA, CONICET, Argentina.
Celia Anteneodo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC Rio, Brazil.
Hilda Cerdeira, IFT, Instituto de Física Teórica, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Mario Cosenza, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.
Marcel G. Clerc, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Elbert EN Macau, INPE, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
Arturo C. Martí, Instituto de Física de la Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
José D. Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Gerard Olivar, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, Colombia.
Carlos Pando, Benmérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México.
Gonzalo M. Ramírez, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
Nicolás Rubido, Instituto de Física de la Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Local Organizing Committee
Non-linear Physics (FNL) research group ( web ) from the Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay.
List of Topics
Brain Networks
Celestial Mechanics
Chaos and Fractals
Climate Dynamics
Complex Networks
Complex Systems
Control Theory
Dynamical Astronomy
Mutli-particle Systems
Game Theory
Granular Materials
Multi-particle Systems
Neural Dynamics
Non-linear Dynamics
Non-linear Photonics
Non-linear Waves
Out-of-equilibrium Systems
Pattern Formation
Plasma Physics
Population Dynamics
Quantum Chaos
Stochastic Processes
Systems Biology
Time-series Analysis
Transport Phenomena
Submission Guidelines
We are currently accepting contributive talks and contributive posters. All submissions must consist of a title and abstract consisting of less than 300 words. This must also be submitted in .tex format at the moment of application. Mind that contributive talks should last less than 20 minutes and posters be presented in A0 pages.
Mini-symposium proposal submission guidelines
Mini-symposiums should include 4 speakers. Larger mini-symposiums can be requested, but mind the length of it so that appropiate time-allocation can be arranged. Other variations, such as satellite meetings or discussion panels are also welcomed.
The organizers need to provide the following details:
Organizers’ Full name and Affiliations
Mini-symposium/satellite/panel title
Brief summary (< 250 words) including context and relevance of the activity
Speakers’ Full name and Affiliations
At this stage, we are not requesting titles or abstracts of the mini-symposium speakers.
Contributive presentations and posters guidelines
We are accepting contributive talks and contributive posters. All submissions must consist of a title and an abstract consisting of less than 300 words. This must also be submitted in .tex format at the moment of the application. Mind that contributive talks should last less than 25 minutes and posters be presented in A0 pages.
Submissions are being accepted through EasyChair1. You can submit your contributive talk or poster using this link .
1To check details on EasyChair, visit: https://easychair.org/
Nov 26
Nov 30
Abstract Submission Deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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