The JOOUST Conference is a multi-disciplinary biannual conference that attracts high quality presentations on a wide range of important current and emerging research, training, development and industrial issues. The conference attracts papers, poster presentations, and exhibitions. It is designed to encourage productive interaction among participants.
Theme: Promoting Creativity, Innovation and Productivity for Sustainable Development
This year's conference will provide opportunity for participants to discuss the state of knowledge and practice in the priority areas for development set out by the Government and provided under each sub-theme. The forum will provide opportunity for the academia, private sector, government and other stakeholders to identify trends and needs in training, research and policy priority areas. The conference will strengthen interaction, networking, development of collaborations and linkages in order to realize inclusive and sustainable development.
Call for Papers, Posters and Exhibits:
Papers, Posters and Exhibits are now being accepted in five thematic areas as follows:
Sub-theme I: Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
Papers submitted under this sub-theme will include: technologies to improve agricultural productivity; food accessibility; alternative sources of food and feed; promoting a smallholder farmer-focused research agenda; enabling infrastructure for food systems; climate technologies for food security; and governing agricultural innovation and policy coherence; as well as socio-economic and cultural issues.
Sub-theme II: Human Capital
Papers submitted under this sub-theme will include: educational and social reforms, equity in universal healthcare, evidence-based capacity building, community programs, youth employment, knowledge management strategies and their link to social and economic development; gender equity and empowerment
Sub-theme III: Green and Blue Economy
Paper presented under this theme will address environmental degradation and conservation, demographic impacts and natural resources, biotic including aquatic ecosystems, environmental impact assessment, climatic change and adaptation strategies, eco-shelters, clean energy trends and technologies, energy efficiency, low carbon technologies for manufacturing, smart and sustainable materials.
Sub-theme IV: Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure and Inclusive Human Settlements
Paper presented under this theme will address: resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation; inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements.
Sub-theme V: University-Industry Partnership and Governance
Papers presented under this theme will address: current trends and best practices in multi-stakeholder partnerships/Linkages; knowledge sharing, expertise, technology and financial support; Public-private partnerships; governments; civil societies; Industry; Civil Society and other stakeholders; governance and corporate performance.
Exhibitors and poster presenters will be expected to send half a page description for selection. Accepted posters will be asked to produce a poster for display at the conference. Maximum poster size is A0 (0.84 x 1.19 m) in portrait orientation.
Oct 23
Oct 26
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Registration deadline
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