The College of Information Technology, University of Bahrain is organizing the 2018 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT 2018) in collaboration with Edge Hill University, and (CIRC) Sultan Qaboos University. The aim of 3ICT 2018 is to provide a forum for the researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Computing, Advanced Technologies, and Innovative Research. present their latest research results and perspectives for future work in these areas of research.
Cyber Security:
Smart Cities:
Cloud Computing:
Internet of Things:
Telecommunication and Networking:
Software Engineering:
Robotics,Computer Vision & HCI:
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above and other topics related to 3ICT 2018. Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author and include up to 6 keywords and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Papers must be formatted according to CPS format; see formatting instructions and style sheets. Submitted research papers may not overlap with papers that have already been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, contributions, technical clarity and presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the conference. Conference proceedings would be published in IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services.
Nov 18
Nov 20
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
2023 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies2021-09-29 Bahrain Bahrain
2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies2021-09-29 Bahrain
The International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and technologies2020-12-20 Bahrain
3ICT 2020 : International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies
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