On behalf of the workshop organisation team, we take great pleasure in inviting you to the meanwhile fifth edition of the CoSeRa (CoSeRa 2018) which will be held at the Center for Sensorsystems (ZESS) @ University of Siegen, at Northrhine Westfalia from Sep. 10th – 13th, 2018.
The idea of the CoSeRa workshops is to join world-class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of Compressive Sensing (CS) with a wide scope of applications to Radar, optical and nonoptical 2D/3D imaging, material analysis surface and subsurface inspection by ultrasonic, microwave, TeraHertz as well as X-ray techniques. CoSeRa covers the complete sensoric chain from novel type of sensors, hardware concepts over sensor signal processing to high level information extraction/mining concepts adopting the paradigms of CS at every stage.
Originally intended as a new sensing paradigm to overcome the limitations of Shannon/Nyquist’s sampling theorem under certain (and well defined conditions), compressed sensing has meanwhile turned into a novel way of thinking or looking at the complete world of sensorics and sensor information extraction. The idea of “sparse or parsimonious modelling (putting Occam’s razor into the center of interpreting physical phenomena) in itself is much older than the compressed sensing theory, but it is without doubt the merit of mathematical CS, to have introduced the background to give sufficient conditions under which sparse modelling concepts can turn nominally underdetermined systems of equations into well behaved, even over determined systems of equations and furthermore to prove optimality for such cases. In parallel the power of using sparsity as (not necessarily the only) one important regularization constraint in inversion algorithms developed, opening up the door to the world of optimization theory.
In a certain way the concepts and paradigms of Compressive Sensing may be considered as the answer to the curse of exploding data dimensions, which is modernistically and popularistically coined, but not solved by the term “big data”. Compressive Sensing substitutes the term “big” by “smart”.
Yet as the name indicates it will be always the sensoric problems arising from the applications which determine the background and allow to formulate the application dependent constraints, still obeying Occams’s razor, however. It is exactly this engineering embedding which turns abstract mathematical models with the least possible number of prior assumptions into valid engineering models with the maximum possible number of additional but “non informative priors” in order to extract the highest possible information amount out of noisy data.
Upon this background, we believe that the combination of invited key-speeches and contributed talks will allow the formation of a most interesting technical program and setup the stage for an extremely productive interaction and exchange between mathematicians, engineers and application domain people.
As any interaction and cooperation of experts can only grow within the scope of a holistic workshop concept respecting all levels of communication, we are additionally taking highest efforts to not only setup up a scientifically and technically outstanding programme, but also to make its participants feel be taken extremely good care of, with a thrilling social and also accompanying persons programme. Siegen and its surroundings offer an abundance of opportunities, beautiful landscape (Siegen is the greenest city of Northrhine Westfalia), forests lakes, wildlife Wisent resorts and last but not least, one world known brewery (“Krombacher”) where a visiting excursion will be part of the social programme.
With intensive and careful planning underway we anticipate a technically outstanding and most pleasant workshop.
We look forward to seeing you in Siegen in September 2018.
Otmar Loffeld, Gitta Kutyniok, and Joachim Ender
(Co-chairs of CoSeRa 2018)
Matthias Weiß and Wolfgang Weihs
(Technical chairs of CoSeRa 2018)
Otmar Loffeld, Uni. Siegen, Germany
Gitta Kutyniok, TU Berlin, Germany
Joachim Ender, Fraunhofer FHR, Germany
Technical Programme Chair
Matthias Weiß, Fraunhofer FHR, Germany
Wolfgang Weihs, Uni. Siegen, Germany
Scientific committee (tentative)
Laura Anitori, TNO, The Netherlands
Salman Asif, Rice University, USA
Alessio Bacci, CNIT, Italy
Chris Baker, Aveillant, United Kingdom
Richard Bamler, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Badri Narayan Bhaskar, Yahoo Inc., USA
Filippo Biondi, University of L'Aquila, Italy
David Blacknell, DSTL, United Kingdom
Thomas Blumensath, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Shannon Blunt, University of Kansas, USA
Petros Boufounos, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA
Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, University of Wollongong, Australia
Paolo Braca, CMRE, Italy
Alessandra Budillon, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
Rick Chartrand, Descartes Labs, USA
Phani Chavali, Monsanto Research, USA
Michael Davis, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Antonio De Maio, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
Jacco de Wit, TNO, The Netherlands
Giovanni Del Galdo, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany
Fabio Dell'Acqua, University of Pavia, Italy
Mohammed Nabil El Korso, Paris 10 University, France
Joachim Ender, Fraunhofer FHR, Germany
Emre Ertin, The Ohio State University, USA
Mario Figueiredo, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Gianfranco Fornaro, CNR-IREA, Italy
Stefano Fortunati, University of Pisa, Italy
Peter Gerstoft, University of California, San Diego, USA
Guillaume Ginolhac, Universite de Savoie, France
Elisa Giusti, University of Pisa, Italy
María Antonia González Huici, Fraunhofer FHR, Germany
Maria Greco, University of Pisa, Italy
Yujie Gu, University of Oklahoma, USA
Ali Gurbuz, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey
Braham Himed, AFRL, USA
Marc Ihle, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany
Tommaso Isernia, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
Laurent Jacques, University of Louvain, Belgium
Chenglong Jiang, Shanghai Radio Equipment Research Institute, P.R. China
Tian Jin, National University of Defense Technology, P.R. China
Stephane Kemkemian, THALES AIRBORNE SYSTEMS, France
Ahmed Shaharyar Khwaja, Ryerson University, Canada
Ioannis Kyriakides, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Pascal Larzabal, ENS-Cachan, PARIS, France
Geert Leus, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dao-jing Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China
Dehong Liu, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA
Otmar Loffeld, University of Siegen, Germany
Yun Lu, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Marco Martorella, University of Pisa, Italy
Christoph Mecklenbräuker, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jacek Misiurewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Arye Nehorai, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Xavier Neyt, Royal Military Academy, Belgium
Jan Ochodnicky, Armed Forces Academy, Slovakia
Karl Erik Olsen, Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt, Norway
Irena Orović, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Ashkan Panahi, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Vishal Patel, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ USA, USA
Athina Petropulu, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Nhat Pham, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Radmila Pribic, Thales Nederland BV Delft, The Netherlands
Ludger Prünte, Fraunhofer FHR, Germany
Paolo Rocca, University of Trento, Italy
Florian Roemer, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany
Gilda Schirinzi, Università di Napoli Parthenope, Italy
Philip Schniter, The Ohio State University, USA
Woojae Seong, Seoul National University, Korea
Konstantinos Slavakis, University at Buffalo, USA
Ljubisa Stankovic, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Srdjan Stanković, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Philippe Steeghs, TNO, Austria
Jared Tanner, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Sonia Tomei, University of Pisa, Italy
Gabriel Vasile, National Center for Scientific Research, France
Zhaocheng Yang, Shenzhen University, P.R. China
Yimin Zhang, Temple University, USA
Zhe Zhang, George Mason University, USA
Xiao Xiang Zhu, DLR, Germany
Abdelhak Zoubir, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) Fundamentals, Mathematical Aspects, Concepts and Algorithms of Compressed Sensing, with applications to:
― Radar systems (target detection, GMTI,...)
― Imaging radar (SAR, ISAR)
― THz imaging and material analysis
― Digital optics, time of flight imaging, hyperspectral imaging
― Systems for medical diagnostics (CT, MRT, X-ray, ultrasono-graphy)
― X-ray crystallography
― Acoustic systems, microphone arrays, SONAR systems
― Radio astronomy Classification based on compressed sensing
― Sparse modeling
― Physical modeling, e.g. based on electromagnetic theory
― Dictionary learning System design and hardware for compressed sensing
― Analog to information converters
― Sampling strategies, sparse array design Random and optimum sensing matrices Structured compressed sensing for sensor systems
― Block-sparsity, group-sparsity, joint sparsity Application of matrix decomposition and tensor-based techniques for sensor systems
― Blind deconvolution, blind calibration
― Separation of foreground and background, change detection Quality evaluation
― Estimation based on compressed sensing and the CRB
― Evaluation of super-resolution
― Off-grid evaluation
― Detection probabilities
Paper Submission
The instructions and templates for preparing your manuscript for CoSeRa 2018 are listed below. Please write and format your manuscript according to the guidelines. The paper must be submitted as a single pdf file.
Author Guidelines
The maximum number of pages that will be accepted is 5, including all figures, tables, and references. Any documents that exceed the 5 page limit will be automatically rejected. A font size no smaller than 10 points should be used throughout the paper.
It is recommended to use the CoSeRa templates for preparing the manuscript, which are provided below.
Your paper must be compliant with the following paper formatting rules:
The page format must be A4 (21.0 cm × 29.7 cm);
The paper must be typed using two column layout with single line spacing;
Use Times New Roman font, the text must be at 10pt with a line spacing of 12pt, the paper title 16pt, the section title 14pt, and the subsection title 12pt.
The paper abstract should not be longer than 100 words.
The paper must contain complete contact information of at least one of the authors (postal Address, phone, fax, and e-mail)
Figures, tables and equations must have separate sequential numbering
There should be no headers/footers/page numbers,
all fonts should be embedded,
there should be no links, and no bookmarks.
Captions must be centred, and placed above tables and underneath figures
Do not number pages, and do not use footnotes
MS Word users: Embed all tables, charts, figures and images within the text
Submit your paper as unprotected pdf file only
Please note, that the CoSeRa organizers cannot assist the authors in solving concrete problems related with the formatting of the paper. In addition, the authors can also refer to the EDAS help tool and the FAQ's available here. We encourage authors to prepare well in advance their papers to avoid last-minute problems with the formatting close to the deadline. The following style files and templates are available for users of LaTeX and Microsoft Word:
All accepted and presented papers will be referenced by IEEEXplore
Final Paper Submission
1) log-in at EDAS
2) remember to fill out the IEEE copyright form for each paper
(web version or an uploaded scanned paper)
3) create an account on https://www.pdf-express.org The official Conference ID is 38220X
4) create title on https://www.pdf-express.org
5) upload your pdf-version to https://www.pdf-express.org
6) wait for confirmation emails from pdf-express
7) download the checked version from pdf-express
8) upload this(!) version to EDAS!
Registration is done just by paying the workshop fee via saferpay. Link is on the registration web page.
Initial Paper Submission
Paper submission is performed using EDAS under the CoSeRa 2018 paper submission webpage. Fill out title (in Title Case), up to 5 keywords, author information, abstract (150-300 words), and choose up to 5 topics. You will then receive an email with details for uploading your pdf file. Note that upon acceptance, the final paper must be submitted along with a filled-out copyright form.
Paper submission procedure using EDAS
Logging in to EDAS
Using EDAS requires logging in first. If you already have an account, enter your email address (or your numeric EDAS ID#) and password in the fields on the form on the EDAS home page.
If you do not know whether you have an account on this EDAS system, try entering your email address or name. EDAS will check for your account and let you know whether it knows about you.
If you have an account but have forgotten your password, leave the password field blank, and EDAS will mail your password to you.
If you do not yet have an account on the EDAS system, click on the link there to "create your new user account". Fill in the resulting form and then click on the "New User" button there. Mandatory fields are listed in red; optional fields are listed in black. The password for accessing the EDAS system will be sent to you via email. Once you receive your password, you should return to EDAS and log in.
Registering your Paper
After logging in to EDAS, you should see the web form for registering your paper submission. Fill in the form:
Enter the name of the first author, then later on you will have to add all the co-authors.
Enter each author using either their EDAS identifier or their last name. Each author must be registered in EDAS; if an author is not yet registered in EDAS, you will be prompted for the information to register them. You must also select one of the authors to be the correspondence author.
Enter the title and abstract of the paper.
Select the topic from the list of paper topics that best classify your paper.
Once you have filled in all information for your paper, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of that page. This will show you a page that acknowledges your paper's registration.
Uploading your Paper
After registering your paper submission, you must upload your actual paper.
To upload your paper right after registering your submission, simply follow EDAS instructions on the acknowledgement page.
Alternatively, you can upload your paper later from your CoSeRa 2018 EDAS homepage. From there, you can upload your paper by clicking on the icon in the line that shows your paper's listing, or via ftp, or email as per instructions on that page.
After you return to your CoSeRa 2018 EDAS homepage, you will see your uploaded paper. If you click on the paper number, you will see the paper details. If you click on the paper under "Manuscript", you will see the PostScript or PDF version that you uploaded.
Revising your Paper or Account
After you have submitted your paper, you can revise your submission at any time before the draft paper submission deadline. The system is then closed for review and re-opened for final paper submission after sending out the authors notification. Please note that both, conference registration and any changes to or about your manuscript must be submitted before the final paper submission deadline. The system is then closed for preparing the manuscripts for publication. Please note that no changes to or about your manuscript can be accepted anymore once the preparation of manuscripts for publication has started.
To revise your submission, go to your CoSeRa 2018 EDAS homepage. Just upload a new PostScript or PDF version the same way you did already for the previous version. Please do not instead register and submit the new version as if it were a separate new paper, since this will duplicate the paper registration records.
You can also revise your own EDAS account information from your CoSeRa Homepage. To do so, click on the link at the top to edit your profile.
Sep 10
Sep 13
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Registration deadline
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