The SAM Workshop is an important IEEE Signal Processing Society event dedicated to sensor array and multichannel signal processing. The organizing committee invites the international community to contribute with state-of-the-art developments in the field. SAM 2018 will feature plenary talks by leading researchers in the field as well as poster and oral sessions with presentations by the participants.
General Chairs
Dr Wei Liu, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. Peter Willett, University of Connecticut, US
Technical Chairs
Prof. Sergiy Vorobyov, Aalto University, Finland
Dr Yimin D. Zhang, Temple University, US
IEEE SAM TC Representative
Dr Mónica Bugallo, Stony Brook University, US
Special Sessions Chair
Prof. Hing Cheung So, City University of Hong Kong, China
Finance Chair
Dr Patrick Naylor, Imperial College London, UK
Publicity Chair
Prof. Hongbin Li, Stevens Institute of Technology, US
Local Arrangement Chair
Prof. Lyudmila Mihaylova, University of Sheffield, UK
Publication and Registration Chair
Dr Lei Zhang, University of Glasgow, UK
Research Areas – Authors are invited to submit contributions in the following areas:
Submission of Papers – Full-length papers with 4 pages of content and 1 extra page only for references should be electronically submitted.
Submission of Signal Processing Letters Papers – Authors of IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL) papers will be given the opportunity to present their work at SAM 2018, subject to space availability and approval by the Technical Program Chairs. SPL papers published between 1st June, 2017 and 31st May, 2018 are eligible for presentation at SAM 2018. Requests for presentation of SPL papers should be made by emailing the Technical Program Chairs as early as possible and the latest by 31st May, 2018. However, to take advantage of the advance registration rate (20 May 2018), please send your request by 30 April 2018. Decision will be made within two weeks of receiving the request. Approved requests for presentation must have one author/presenter registered for SAM 2018.
Special Session Proposals – They should be submitted by e-mail to the Technical Program Chairs and the Special Sessions Chair by 19 February, 2018, and include a title, rationale, session outline, contact information and list of invited speakers. Download the special session proposal form.
Tutorial Proposals – They should be submitted by e-mail to the Technical Chairs (Sergiy Vorobyov:; Yimin D. Zhang: and the General Chairs (Wei Liu:; Peter Willett: and include a title, rationale, outline of the content and contact information by 05 February, 2018.
Jul 08
Jul 11
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
Early Bird Registration
Registration deadline
2024-07-08 United States Corvallis
2024 IEEE 13th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM)2020-06-08 China Hangzhou
2016 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop2014-06-22 Spain
2014 IEEE 8th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM)
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