
IEEE Healthcom 2018 aims at inducing together together interested parties from around the world working in the healthcare field to exchange ideas, discuss innovative and emerging solutions, and develop collaborations.

Healthcare is one of the largest industries with 5-18% of GDPs spent on health and Care globally. The healthcare budgets of the vast majority of nations continue to outgrow their GDPs. Social, demographic, economic and technological factors are the drivers for ever more Changing healthcare models. While the demographic shifts in the populations display significant socio-economic challenges they trigger more and more opportunities for innovators in the areas of sensor technology the Internet of Things, Robotics, e-health, m-Health, Cloud Computing and emerging Technologies such as 5G, Big Data, SDNs, NFV, Precision and Personalized Medicine. However, the integration of innovative technology into society is associated with a lot of complexities.Social technological alignment and societal acceptance of technology requires sound solutions with regards to ethical, legal, social and security challenges.




prof. Norbert Noury, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

Martin Černý, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


prof. Václav Snášel, rector of VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Marek Penhaker, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Martin Augustynek, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Jiří Rosický, Invent Medical

Alicja Michalik, MedSilesia Cluster 


Václav Procházka, University hospital Ostrava


Kashif Saleem, King Saud University, Riyadh


Marek Penhaker, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Jan Kubíček, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


David Oczka, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Christoph Thuemmler, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom

Jan Grepl, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Iveta Bryjová, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Radek Halfar, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Lukáš Peter, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Antonino Proto, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Vladimír Kašík, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Klára Fiedorová, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic



assoc. prof. Marek Penhaker, Ph.D., VŠB - Technical university of Ostrava


assoc. prof. Martin Augustynek, Ph.D., VSB-Technical university of Ostrava

assoc. prof. Martin Cerny, Ph.D., VSB - Technical University of Ostrava

Mr. Jan Kubicek, Ph.D., VSB-Technical University of Ostrava

Dr. Augusto Neto, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Prof. Norbert Noury, University of Lyon

assoc. prof. Marek Penhaker, Ph.D, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava

Prof. Joel Rodrigues, National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel)

Mr. Bruce Worthman, IEEE Communications Society

Dr. Eric Addeo, DeVry University

Dr. Ferran Adelantado, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Prof. Nazim Agoulmine, University of Evry Val d'Essonne

Prof. Ozgur Akan, University of Cambridge

Prof. Ahmed Al-Dubai, Edinburgh Napier University

Dr. Angelos Antonopoulos, Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia (CTTC)

Dr. Daisuke Anzai, Nagoya Institute of Technology

Dr. Ioannis Askoxylakis, FORTH-ICS

Mr. Branko Babušiák, University of Žilina

Dr. Pierre Barralon, Tecnalia Research & Innovation

Mr. Joaquim Bastos, Instituto de Telecomunicações

Dr. Simone Benatti, University of Bologna

Dr. Dinesh Bhatia, University of Texas Dallas

Dr. Daniele Bibbo, Roma Tre University

Prof. Cristiano Both, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre

Prof. Eric Campo, LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse

Mr. Juan-Carlos Cano, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

Dr. Petr Čermák, Silesian University in Opava

Dr. Eduardo Cerqueira, Federal University of Para & UCLA

Dr. Sammy Chan, City University of Hong Kong

Dr. Joachim Charzinski, Stuttgart Media University

Mr. Chao Che, Dalian University

Dr. Chunlei Chen, Weifang University

Mr. Feng Chen, De Montfort University

Prof. Liming Chen, De Montfort University

Mr. Ping Chen, UMass-Boston

Prof. Po-Hsun Cheng, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Mr. Silvia Conforto, University Roma Tre

Dr. Arianna D'Ulizia, CNR

Prof. Tasos Dagiuklas, London South Bank University

Mr. Shane Dempsey, Gaisan Technologies

Prof. Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, New York Institute of Technology

Prof. Yucong Duan, Hainan University

Prof. Claudio Estevez, Universidad de Chile

Dr. Anthony Fleury, IMT Lille Douai

Dr. Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria

Dr. Amjad Gawanmeh, Khalifa University of Science and Technology

Dr. Saïd Gharout, Orange Labs

Prof. Soheil Ghiasi, University of California, Davis

Dr. Jiaqi Gong, University of Virginia

Dr. Javier Gozalvez, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche

Dr. Fabrizio Granelli, University of Trento

Dr. Guan Gui, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Dr. Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul, University of Rennes 1

Prof. Liangxiu Han, Manchester Metropolitan University

Mr. Jan Havlík, Czech Technical University in Prague

Dr. Marco Hernandez, NICT

Mr. Zhengxing Huang, Zhejiang University

Prof. Kenji Ishida, Hiroshima City University

Dr. Nigel Jefferies, Huawei Technologies

Mr. Thomas Jell, Siemens AG

Dr. Changqing Ji, Dalian University

Prof. JongWon Kim, GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology)

Dr. Young In Kim, Pusan National University

Dr. Kimon Kontovasilis, NCSR Demokritos

Mr. David Korpas, Palacky University Olomouc

Prof. Ondrej Krejcar, University of Hradec Kralove

Prof. Francine Krief, University of Bordeaux

Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamy, IBM Research

Dr. Mohamed Laaraiedh, Higher School of Communications of Tunis, University of Carthage

Dr. Thomas Lagkas, The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College

Dr. Shahram Latifi, ITNG

Dr. Mark Leeson, University of Warwick

Dr. Thomas Lindh, Royal Institute of Technology

Dr. Unai Lopez-Novoa, Cardiff University

Dr. Rongxing Lu, University of New Brunswick

Dr. Xuanwen Luo, Sandvik Mining and Construction

Prof. Hsi-Pin Ma, National Tsing Hua University

Dr. Xiaofu Ma, Virginia Tech

Dr. Michele Magno, ETH Zurich and University of Bologna

Dr. Aniket Mahanti, University of Auckland

Dr. Imad Mahgoub, Florida Atlantic University

Dr. Jaroslav Majerník, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice

Dr. Matteo Mancini, University College London

Prof. Kunal Mankodiya, University of Rhode Island

Prof. Pietro Manzoni, Universitat Politècnica de València

Dr. Gustavo Marfia, Università di Bologna

Dr. Natarajan Meghanathan, Jackson State University

Prof. Ahmed Mehaoua, University of Paris Descartes

Dr. Hassine Moungla, University of Paris Descartes

Mr. Jan Muzik, CTU in Prague

Prof. Isao Nakajima, Tokai University School of Medicine

Prof. Tadashi Nakano, Osaka University

Dr. Tomas Nedelka, Charles University Prague, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Dpt. of Neurology

Prof. Chris Nugent, University of Ulster

Mr. Stefano Nunziata, Cup 2000 scpa

Mr. Stefano Paris, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.

Prof. Antonio Pescapé, University of Napoli Federico II

Dr. Sophia Petridou, University of Macedonia

Dr. Niki Pissinou, Florida International University

Mr. Antonino Proto, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava

Mr. Alain Pruski, Université Lorraine

Ms. Ismini Psychoula, De Montfort University

Dr. Joseph Rafferty, Ulster University

Prof. Jorge Sá Silva, University of Coimbra

Dr. Kashif Saleem, King Saud University

Dr. Osman Salem, University of Paris Descartes

Dr. Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, University of Western Macedonia

Mr. Giovanni Schiboni, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Dr. Maurizio Schmid, Roma Tre University

Mr. Trenton Schulz, University of Oslo

Dr. Ali Selamat, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Dr. Giacomo Severini, UCD Centre for Biomedical Engineering

Prof. Kaoru Sezaki, University of Tokyo

Prof. Bo Sheng, University of Massachusetts Boston

Prof. Lei Shu, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology

Dr. Francois Siewe, De Montfort University

Dr. Bruno Silva, Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Beira Interior

Prof. Harry Skianis, University of the Aegean

Mr. Jian Song, China Academy of Art

Mr. Xudong Song, DaLian University

Prof. Andriyan Suksmono, Bandung Institute of Technology

Dr. Chiu Tan, Temple University

Prof. Ewaryst Tkacz, Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Electronics

Mr. Teodor Toth, Technical University of Košice

Dr. Elias Tragos, NUI Galway and FORTH

Dr. Darpan Triboan, De Montfort University

Dr. Sven Ubik, CESNET

Mr. Jai Ganesh Udayasankaran, Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust

Mr. Anastasios Vafeiadis, CERTH

Dr. Vasos Vassiliou, University of Cyprus

Dr. Sebastian Ventura, University of Cordoba

Mrs. Nadine Vigouroux, IRIT

Mr. Konstantinos Votis, Information Technologies Institute, Centre For Research and Technology Hellas

Prof. Demosthenes Vouyioukas, University of the Aegean

Dr. Baofeng Wang, DaLian University

Dr. Jin Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Dr. Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology

Mr. Tao Wang, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Yufeng Wang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunicaitons

Prof. Zumin Wang, Dalian University

Prof. Wei Wei, Xi'an University of Technology

Prof. Jen-Ming Wu, National Tsing Hua University

Dr. Sau-Hsuan Wu, National Chiao Tung University

Dr. Shaoen Wu, Ball State University

Mr. Fang Xi, Dalian University

Dr. Mengjun Xie, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Prof. Liudong Xing, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Dr. Changqiao Xu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Prof. Tatsuya Yamazaki, Niigata University

Prof. Jie Yang, Florida State University

Dr. Tong Yu, Information Institute of TCM

Prof. Zhenming Yuan, Hangzhou Normal University

Dr. Sherali Zeadally, University of Kentucky

Dr. Di Zhang, Seoul National University

Dr. Jianxin Zhang, Dalian University

Prof. Tao Zhang, Tsinghua University

Prof. Xiaoming Zhang, Hebei University of Science and Technology

Prof. Yimin Zhang, Temple University

Mr. Yong Zhang, Tsinghua University

Mr. Bin Zhen, Huawei Technologies Co., LTD

Dr. Yungang Zhu, Jilin University



Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues , National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel), Brazil; Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal

Pradeep Ray, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Norbert Noury, University of Lyon, France

Augusto Venâncio Neto, Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil/Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal

Nazim Agoulmine, Université Evry Val Essonne, France

Christoph Thuemmler, Edinburgh Napier University, UK

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification

IEEE HealthCom 2018 is fully sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. It aims at bringing together interested parties from around the world working in the health care field to exchange ideas, to discuss innovative and emerging solutions, and to develop collaborations. eHealth is defined as the cost-effective and secure use of information and communications technologies in support of health and the related fields, including health-care related services, surveillance, literature, education, knowledge, and research, both at the local site and at a distance. It will make personalized medicine possible and affordable in the near future. The adoption of eHealth technologies in medical fields creates huge opportunities yet lots of challenges still need to be resolved to build reliable, secure, and efficient networks or platforms with great flexibility.

Accepted and presented technical papers will be published in the IEEE HEALTHCOM 2018 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®. Conference proceedings is indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. See the submission instructions section of the website for author requirements of accepted authors.

The authors of the three best articles of the conference selected on the basis of the results of the peer review process and the quality of the presentation of their papers at the conference assessed by the international committee will receive free submission in open access journal SENSORS (ISSN 1424-8220)

Selected excelent papers will be published in journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science listed below. IRBM journal will accept 10 best confrence papers. Articles selected for publication in journals must meet the conditions against self-plagiarism!

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit their original contributions covering completed or ongoing work related to the eHealth area. The topics include but are not limited to


  • Electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic prescription
  • Data preprocessing, cleansing, management and mining
  • Data quality assessment and improvement
  • Medical imaging
  • Computer-aided detection, hypothesis generation and diagnosis
  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Evolutionary and longitudinal patient and disease models
  • Clinical workflow
  • Medication adherence and health monitoring
  • Smart health and big data
  • Deep IoT analysis
  • M2M


  • High-confidence medical devices
  • Integration of medical devices with e-Health
  • Medical device interoperability
  • Wearable devices
  • In/on/around-body sensors and actuators
  • Biosensors at the micro/nano-scale
  • Smart garments/textiles
  • Wireless energy transfer
  • Energy harvesting
  • Device security


  • Communication/network infrastructures, architectures and protocols for e-Health
  • 5G
  • Soft-SIM technology
  • Narrowband technology
  • Antennas and propagation
  • Proximity-based communication, group communication and social networks
  • Power-efficient communication
  • Ultra-wideband communication
  • Delay-tolerant, fault-tolerant and reliable communication
  • Cognitive communication for medical bands
  • In-hospital networking, body area networking and cloud-integrated networking
  • Software-defined networks and network management
  • Network Function Virtualization
  • Nanoscale/molecular communications
  • Network coding and error detection/correction
  • Resilience and robustness
  • Security


  • Context awareness and situation awareness
  • Image/video processing and computer/robot vision
  • Internet of Things, Ambient intelligence and pervasive computing
  • Augmented reality and human-computer interaction
  • Motion detection and activity recognition
  • User modeling and personalization
  • Robotics
  • Computing/storage infrastructures for e-Health such as clouds and virtualization
  • Software, systems and performance engineering for e-Health
  • Security


  • e-Health services/applications for physical and mental health; for example, in acute care, chronic care, mental health care, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, prosthetics, elderly/nursing care, smart homes and hospitals, and rural/wilderness practice.
  • e-Health services/applications for sports and exercise; for example, in training prescription and feedback, concussion detection/monitoring, life-logging and fitness monitoring.
  • e-Health services/applications for public health; for example, disease prevention, pandemic preparedness, epidemiological interventions and smart cities.
  • e-Health services/applications for extreme environments; for example, in firefighting, disaster response, evacuation assistance, medical triage, space travel/exploration, deep diving and deep sea exploration
  • m-Health applications and software
  • Quality of experience (QoE) with e-Health services/applications.
  • Security, privacy and trust for e-Health services/applications
  • Emerging cloud-based services/applications including health clouds/grids


  • Standardization
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Social technological alignment
  • E-health and m-health governance
  • Quality of care
  • Business modeling
  • Supply chain management
  • Anti-counterfeiting
  • Smart Pharmaceuticals
  • Global e-health strategies
  • Tagging and tracking
  • Work flow
  • Patient flow


  • Telemedicine for rural area
  • Aging problems and intelligent care
  • Bioinformatics and precision medicine
  • Smart agriculture for human health


  • e-Health case studied - applications
  • e-Health challenges from M.D. point of view


Perspective authors are invited to submit their papers using EDAS. A full paper should not have more than six (6) IEEE style pages including results, figures and references. Short paper max. 4 pages and Poster, Demo paper max. 2 pages. Max. 2 extra pages are allowed with extra charges $75 per page. Papers will be reviewed with the standard reviewing procedure (with at least 3 independent anonymous reviews). All of the accepted papers will be published on IEEExplore (

Authors of selected excellent papers will be invited for publication of their research results in journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science listed below. Articles selected for publication in journals must meet the conditions against self-plagiarism! 

  • AEEE
  • IRBM
  • Clinican and Technology
  • more journals are solicited.

The submitted manuscripts can be prepared in Word, or Latex using the IEEE templates, but authors should finally submit the manuscript in PDF format and make sure that the file will print on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. The official Language of the meeting is English

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Sep 17



    Sep 20


  • May 15 2018

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Jun 15 2018

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Sep 20 2018

    Registration deadline

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