The International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) invites the submission of papers describing original, previously unpublished work in all areas of Computer Science. The SCCC conference is a forum for the presentation of recent original work and it is an opportunity for students and researchers to extend their research network.
The 37th version of this event will be held in Santiago, Chile. The conference is sponsored by IEEE Chile Section Computer Chapter and the Chilean Computer Science Society.
Program Committee
Ricardo Alexandre Afonso, Alagoas Federal University
Carlos Arias, Universidad de Magallanes
Hernan Astudillo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Gustavo Betarte, Universidad de la República
Juan Felipe Calderón-Maureira, Universidad Andrés Bello
Guillermo Calderón-Ruiz, Universidad Católica de Santa María
Pedro G. Campos, Universidad del Bío-Bío
Dante Carrizo, Universidad de Atacama
Ruben Carvajal-Schiaffino, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Mauro Castillo, UTEM
Emma Chavez Mora, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
Víctor Codocedo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Ania Cravero, Universidad of La Frontera
Andrea Delgado, Universidad de la República
Ismael Figueroa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Patricio Galdames, Universidad del Bio-Bio
Giovanni Giachetti, Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP
Veronica Gil Costa, UNSL
Carlos Gómez-Pantoja, Universidad Andrés Bello
Valeria Herskovic, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Nicolas Hidalgo, Universidad Diego Portales
Bernhard Hitpass, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
Mario Inostroza-Ponta, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pascual Julian-Iranzo, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Susana Ladra, Universidade da Coruña
Olivier Marin, NYU Shanghai
Jobson Massollar, COPPE/UFRJ
Marcelo Mendoza, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Esteban Meneses, University of Pittsburgh
Elizabeth Montero, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Jorge Munoz-Gama, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Rafael Pasquini, FACOM/UFU
Claudia Pons, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Pedro Rodriguez, Universidad del Bio-Bio
Gonzalo Rojas, University of Concepcion
Carolina Saavedra, Universidad de Valparaíso
Roberto Solar, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Ricardo Soto, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Romina Torres, Universidad Andrés Bello
Rodolfo Villarroel Acevedo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Program Co-chairs
Alonso Inostrosa Psijas (UNAP, Chile) []
Claudia López Moncada (UTFSM, Chile) []
General Chair
Beatriz Marin Campusano (UDP, Chile) []
We call for submissions on the broad field of computer science and informatics, considering the following topics of interest (but not limited to)
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. Submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE CS proceedings format. Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, from 4 pages up to 8 pages, according to the contribution of the paper. Papers in Spanish or Portuguese must have their title and abstract in English. Submissions will be made through the EasyChair system.
Nov 05
Nov 09
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
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