Call for paper 〔OPEN〕

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Registration 〔OPEN〕

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Responsible Research and Innovation is an independent trend in research and innovation policy. In the case of RRI. In this conference we will explore the relationship between science and the practical point of view: conceptualization of science policy interaction, case studies, and examples from practice. We are specifically interested in understanding the mechanisms of science and how we can learn from the science policy interface. furthermore,

In fact, there are still many barriers in public organizations and research institutions which implies a comprehensive implementation of the RRI framework in relation to evidence based policy making, the lack of public engagement, poor science education, ethics and governance. . There are many reasons for this situation, eg little awareness of policy makers and public administrators of the benefits of the RRI approach; lack of incentives and formal requirements to scientific bodies; lack of skilled and dedicated staff; not enough financial resources to tackle urgent societal challenges; bureaucracy and scarce coordination inside public structures; skepticism from policy makers about citizens' ability to take decisions for the sake of a large community.

This conference, organized by the H2020 MARINA project in conjunction with research institutions and policy making bodies, aims at collecting contributions focusing on what RRI could contribute and what role institutionalization of RRI dimensions by public administrations and research institutions

Evidence shown by practical case studies, lessons learned and best practices adopted in supporting and applying evidence based policy through RRI mechanisms and its institutionalization by policy makers, public administrators and research institutions and participated in the research and innovation process.

The ambitious outcome of the event is the definition of the RRI-mechanisms, 

Call for paper

Important date

Abstract submission deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification
Final paper submission deadline
  • Evidence based policy making for seas and coastal zones;

  • Conceptualization of the science policy with respect to evidence based policy making;

  • Impact and use of scientific data and knowledge in policy making;

  • Knowledge coproduction and co-creation with stakeholders, scientists and policy makers;

  • Benefits and implementation of public engagement in Research and Innovation;

  • New models of governance in public administrations and research related to the RRI concept;

  • Gaps, barriers, lessons learned and best practices on institutionalizing the RRI

  • Drivers for institutionalizing relevant RRI mechanisms in evidence based policy making;

  • RRI in the organizational procedures of public administrations and / or research institutions;

  • Change Management Approaches for institutionalising RRI.



Each conference proposal (maximum 2 pages) must include (please follow the following order in your proposal):

  • Title of the conference

  • Conference Organizers (names, affiliation and contact information)

  • Scope and topics of the conference (max 1 page)

  • Rationale (max 1 page):

  • Why is the topic current and important?

    • Why the conference may attract a significant number of submissions?

    • Why is the conference a large number of attending, in addition to the authors?

    • Why the conference differs from others; ie, related conferences and conferences of similar topics?

  • A short biography of the organizers (up to 200 words)

  • Names of potential participants, such as program committee members and speakers (indication that speakers accepted to participate is a plus)

  • Planned format of the conference, including 

    •          Duration of the conference: Half-day, Full-day and tentative schedule

    •          Number of refereed papers, hot topic sessions, keynotes, panels

  • Draft Call for Papers (use the Call for papers proposal template ( annex1 ))

  • A description of the publicity and promotion plan 

  • Conference potential website address (if available at the time of the proposal)

Note that conference chairs and program chairs can only be organized in these roles.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Sep 17



    Sep 19


  • Jul 10 2018

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Jul 20 2018

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Aug 10 2018

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Aug 31 2018

    Final Paper Deadline

  • Sep 19 2018

    Registration deadline