The conference aims at bringing together young scientists and researchers from information technologies and management sciences in an effort to promote and encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and tools related but not limited to the general topics of the conference, such as Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Technologies, Data Processing, System Security and Control, Modelling and Simulation, Automatic Control, E-Commerce and E-Governance, Cloud Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Cyber-Physical Systems, Intelligent Systems, Internet of Everything.
Conference calls for papers describing theoretical research, R&D, practical implementation activities, results and issues. Papers describing novel paradigms, original directions, or non-traditional perspectives are also encouraged.
English is the working language of the Conference. Papers are limited to six (A4) sized pages. The paper template is available at
Prospective authors are expected to submit only their own original works. Proceedings, published in a volume with ISBN numbers will be posted at the conference WWW site and subsequently submitted for inclusion in IEEE online digital library IEEEXplore. Selected best papers are considered for publication in scientific journals.
Manuscripts that violate IEEE's publication principles may be summarily rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, then disciplinary actions may also be taken by IEEE.
Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. No-Show Policy: The Organizing Committee reserves the right to exclude a paper from proceedings and from distribution at IEEE Xplore after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference
Topics relevant for submission, but are not limited to, are:
Oct 10
Oct 12
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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