De La Salle University, Philippines is pleased to announce that the Research and Advanced Studies, Gokongwei College of Engineering will organize the 13th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) to be held at De La Salle University on November 28 – 30, 2018.
ICAST has been serving to promote international exchange among graduate students and young researchers in various fields of the advanced science and technology, since we had the first conference in Kumamoto in 2008. The past ICAST held in abroad took place in Peking University (China), Ewha Womans University (Korea), Ege University (Turkey), Shandong University (China), University of Seoul (Korea), Blaise Pascal University (France), Institut Tecknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) (Indonesia), and National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (Taiwan). Active participation of students not only in presentation but also in management of the conference is vital to ICAST. This year, the program includes Research Session and General Session. Participation of undergraduate students is encouraged as well.
The presenter must present a scientific research that falls under the following categories:
Research Sessions
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The presenter can have an option to present through either oral or poster presentation.
Instructions for Submission of Short Abstract
Prepare an abstract with a maximum of 250 words, following the downloadable template for short abstract attached.
Upload the abstract in PDF file through your easychair account, with the file name format below: File Name: UniversityAcronym_Surname _TypeofPresentation (e.g. DLSU_DelaCruz_Poster, KU_DelaCruz_Oral).
If the abstract is accepted, the presenter will receive an email notification and be given a registration number.
Instructions for Submission of Extended Abstract
Prepare a two-page abstract, following the downloadable template for extended abstract attached.
Upload the abstract both in PDF and Word files through your easychair account, with the file name format: File Name: Registration Number_TypeofPresentation (e.g. 01_Poster, 01_Oral)
note: Type of presentation is only either oral or poster
Short Abstract Template:
Extended Abstract Template:
Requirements and Deadlines
Deadline of Short Abstract: September 7, 2018
Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: September 21, 2018
Deadline of Registration: September 28, 2018
Deadline of Extended Abstract: October 1, 2018
Deadline for registration is September 28, 2018. Participants should register through this link:
Participant fee is USD 50 (for Foreigners) or PHP 2,500 (for Locals).
Nov 28
Nov 30
Abstract Submission Deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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