Our Mission...
The mission of this conference is to bring together a diverse audience to create a collaborative research environment with a long term goal of developing curative approaches for metastatic breast cancer patients.
The Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference was established in 2014 as an annual medical conference for metastatic breast cancer. The specific focus on metastatic disease is based on a major unmet clinical need (incurability); thereby distinguishing this conference from other breast cancer-centered conferences. The first conference was hosted at the University of Kansas Cancer Center. In 2015, 2016 and 2017 the MBCC was hosted at Baylor College of Medicine. The 2018 Conference will take place at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
The Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference will offer those interested in metastatic breast cancer research and treatment with an opportunity to present their ideas in an interactive forum. We encourage all types of submissions involving metastatic breast cancer, which may include epidemiological studies, improvement in quality of life, research, technology development and treatment.
Please use the following headings for each abstract submission:
Deadline for receipt of submissions is September 5th, 2018 at 5:00PM CST.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the conference planning committee.
Please note that accepted abstract submissions will be required to present a poster during the session. 5 abstracts will be selected for short oral presentations during the conference.
Limited Travel Stipends are available for early career investigators who have a abstract accepted. Early career investigators include: graduate students, postdocs, and those who have not yet been tenured.
Nov 15
Nov 16
Abstract Submission Deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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