The National Conference on Communications (NCC) is a flagship conference of India in the area of Communications, Signal Processing and Networks. It has been organized every year, starting from the year 1995, by the Joint Telematics Group (JTG) of the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institute of Science.
The twenty-fifth National Conference on Communications (NCC 2019) will be held at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, during 20-23 February 2019. Previously unpublished contributions within a broad range of topics covering the areas of Communications, Networks and Signal Processing are solicited.
Researchers working in emerging fields of these areas are encouraged to submit their original findings. Submitted papers should be 6 pages in length in standard IEEE conference format and will be peerreviewed by experts in the field. NCC 2019 will follow a double-blind review process. Author names should not be included in the submitted PDF. Also, all authors must be listed in EDAS in correct order while submitting the paper. Detailed information on paper submission, technical program, accommodation, tutorials, and travel will be posted on the conference website:
The topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
Communication theory and systems
Information theory
Coding theory
Wireless communications
Optical communications
RF and microwave communications
Satellite communications
Cognitive radio
Energy harvesting and green communications
Machine learning for communications
5G and beyond communication systems
Edge communications
Quantum communications
5G / next-generation networks
Wireless and wireline networks
Optical networks and systems
Sensor and ad hoc networks
Complex networks
Cyber-physical systems / IoT
Biological networks
Social networks
Decentralized trust networks
Data center and cloud networks
Security and privacy
Networks and services management
Performance analysis
Signal processing for communications
Image and video signal processing
Multimedia applications
DSP algorithms and architectures
Speech and audio processing
Biomedical applications
Language identification
Machine learning, pattern analysis, and classification
Large dimensional signal processing
Sparse signal processing
Graph signal processing
Applications in astronomy/astrophysics
Feb 20
Feb 23
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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