Digital Games Research Conference is the largest Iranian multidisciplinary annual academic conference with a wide variety of research fields in digital games. This conference holds by Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation (IRCG), the hub point and policymaker organization in Islamic Republic of Iran, with the cooperation of one university each year. The conference covers all important aspects of digital games, including research activities in arts, human sciences, medical aspects, and technical.
DGRC2018 held at IRIB University (Iran Broadcasting University), Tehran, Iran as a two-day conference, 29 and 30 November 2018. In addition to accepting the scientific papers worldwide, the conference holds specialized workshops, panels, technological tables and Serious Games Prize 2018 (SeGaP2018).
DGRC2018 covers all the fields of human sciences, arts, medicine and technical aspects. We welcome papers in the following preferred topics:
Machine learning/ Evolutionary Algorithms /Neural Network/ Decision Making, Strategy and Navigation/ Procedural Content Generation (PCG)/ Simulation/ Modeling/ Architectures and Algorithms/ Privacy/ Data Mining/ Parallel and Distributed Processing/ Cloud Computing/ Optimization/ Quality Assessment/ Balancing and Dynamic Difficulty/ User Experience and User Interface (UX, UI)/ Online Games Programming Models/ Computer Graphic/ Context-dependent Interactive Environments/ Wearable Technologies/ Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (VR, AR, MR)
Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Rehabilitation/ Healthcare/ Policymaking Instruments/ Financing/ Crowdsourcing/ Technology Transfer Management/ Monetization and Business Models/ Market Research/ Advertisement/ Future Studies/ Learning/ Immersion/ Ethics/ Game Philosophy/ Law and Intellectual Property (IP)/ Violence/ Online Addiction/ Identity/ Gender/ Entertainment Diplomacy/ Game Literacy/ Genre/ Character Design/ Storytelling and Narration/ Sounding/ Music/ Game Design
And other related topics in technical aspects, human sciences, medicine, and arts.
Nov 29
Nov 30
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
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