
The 14th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS) will be held from 11-14, April 2019 in Bangkok, at Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Thailand.

The IEEE-NEMS is a premier conference series sponsored by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council focusing on the promotion of advanced research areas related to MEMS, nanotechnology, and molecular technology. Prior conferences were held in Singapore (2018), Los Angeles (USA, 2017), Matsushima Bay and Sendai (Japan, 2016), Xi’an (China, 2015), Hawaii (USA, 2014), Suzhou (China, 2013), Kyoto (Japan, 2012), Kaohsiung (Taiwan, 2011), Xiamen (China, 2010), Shenzhen (China, 2009), Hainan Island (China, 2008), Bangkok (Thailand, 2007), and Zhuhai (China, 2006). The IEEE-NEMS Conference typically attracts over 600 attendees with participants from more than 20 countries and regions worldwide.

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

We invite contributions describing the latest scientific and technological research results in subjects including, but not limited to:

Micro/Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (M/NEMS)
Micro/Nano/Molecular Fabrication
Nanomaterial Based Devices and Systems
Nanophotonics and Nanoscale Imaging
Nanoscale Robotics, Assembly, and Automation
Molecular Sensors, Actuators, and Systems
Micro/Nano Fluidics
Micro/Nano Mechanics


The conference has already confirmed 5 Plenary and 9 Keynote Speakers.
• The conference is now accepting Invited Session proposals. Please send Invited Session proposals to Prof. Cecil Chen (
• A Special Issue based on author contributions to the conference will appear in the IEEE Trans. and Nanotechnology.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Apr 11



    Apr 14


  • Nov 05 2018

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Apr 14 2019

    Registration deadline