The international conferences on shaft design and construction were held three times by the British. The 1st conference was held in London in 1959. There were 25 reports on construction technology, scientific achievements and technology development from more than ten counties, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Australis, the United Kingdom and the United States. These papers not only shared the construction experience of the deepest shaft, metal mine reverse shaft, underground structure of hydro-power stations, long tunnel and big caverns, but also some improvements of the special construction methods. Then the 2nd conference was held in England in 1989.
The 3rd international conference on shaft design and construction was held in London from April 22 to 28, 2012. It was organized by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), and more than 170 delegates from 18 countries attended the conference, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Germany, China, France, South Africa, Australia, Poland, Italy, Israel, etc. China was the only country from Asia with 7 delegates (3 from the University of Science & Technology Beijing, 2 from China Coal Research Institute and 2 from JCHX Mining Management Co., Ltd.). A total 40 delegates made presentations mainly in the aspects of rock mechanics, shaft lining design, construction technology, new equipment and materials, etc. In addition to the mining shaft, this conference also involved the shaft projects in municipal engineering and in offshore oil platform. There were some special reports on freezing, grouting, drilling, open caisson and other special construction method.
The 4th international conference on shaft design and construction was held in Toronto, Canada from November 17 to 22, 2019. A total of 43 delegates delivered speeches and 15 Chinese delegates attended this conference (2 from University of Science & Technology Beijing, 5 from China Coal Research Institute, 2 from China University of Mining and Technology, and 3 from China railway system). In order to promote the further development of shaft design and construction in China, the first Chinese international conference on shaft design and construction, which is also the fifth international conference, is planed to be held in Beijing in September 2021(has been postponed to 2022, detailed date will be announced later). At that time, leaders of academic groups, experts in shaft design and construction, government officials, business elites and social media representatives will be invited to attend this conference. The policies and regulations of engineering, research on design theory, technology development and practice experience of shaft construction will be discussed and exchanged.
1.Conference Advisory Committee
Pu Hongjiu China National Coal Association
Hong Boqian Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, China Coal Technology & Engineering Group
Song Zhenqi Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Yuan Liang Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, Anhui University of Science and Technology
Wang An Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, International Consulting Company
He Manchao Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
Cai Meifeng Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, University of Science & Technology Beijing
Chen Xiangsheng Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, Shenzhen University
Gu Dazhao Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, China Energy Investment Co., Ltd
Li Shucai Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician, Shandong University
2.Conference Committee
Alan Auld,President of the International Federation of Shaft Design and Construction
Liu Feng,China Coal Society
Raj Singhal, Editor of International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment
Robert G. Darmody, American Institute of Mining and Reclamation
Petr Sklenicka, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Carsten Drebenstedt, University of Freiburg
Peter J. Beckett, Laurentian University
David Mulligan, Center for Shaft Design and Construction, University of Queensland, Australia
Steve L Smith, British Institute for Shaft Design and Construction
Chrsitos Tsadilas, National Agricultural Research Foundation, Greece
Jeff Skousen, West Virginia University
Y. Paul Chugh, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Vern Pfannenstiel, Peabody Energy Corp
Howard R. Fox, University of Derby
Heather. M. Moore, University of Derby
Gu Dazhao, shenhuagroup
liu Quansheng, Wuhan University
Zhang Yanlu, China Coal Technology Engineering Group
Sun Shouren, China National Coal Association
Yang Gengshe, Xi`an University of Science and Technology
Shandong Energy Xinwen Group CO.LTD.
Zhang Shengli , China National Coal Construction Association,CCCA
Zhou Huaqun, Tiandi CO., LTD
Zhao Shibing, China Coal Mine Construction Group Corporration LTD
Liu Zhiqiang, Professional Committee of Mine Construction and Geotechnical Engineering of China Coal Society
Zhou Guoqing, China University of Mining & Technology
Yang Renshu, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Liu Bo, China University of Mining & Technology,Beijing
Lu Lun, China National Coal Group Corp
Ji Hongguang, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Long Zhiyang, Professional Committee of Mine Construction and Geotechnical Engineering of China Coal Society
JCHX Mining Management CO.LTD
Deadline for Paper Abstract : December 31st, 2021
Notification of Paper Acceptance: January 31st,2022
Deadline for submitting full papers: March 31st,2021
Theme of the conference
Session 1 :Theory and equipment of shaft mechanical rock breaking
Session 2 :Theory and technology application of shaft drilling and blasting
Session 3 :Underground engineering of hydropower station
Session 4 :Policies, regulations and standards for shaft design and construction
Session 5 :Theory, technology and application of deep shaft support
Session 6 :Development technology of urban underground space
Session 7 :Information technology and safety technology for mining construction
Session 8 :Technology, process and equipment of soil modification: freezing and grouting
Session 9 :Municipal engineering shaft
Session 10 :Offshore oil platform shaft
Session 11 :Case study on design and construction of mine shaft
Session 12 :Cooling and thermal energy utilization in deep shafts
Session 13 :Study on the feasibility of drilling in the western shaft projects
Session 14 :New materials for shaft construction
Session 15 :Industrialization of shaft design and construction
Session 16 :Integrated technology and application of mine construction automation
The language of this conference is English. Please submit the abstract of the paper on the conference website before December 31, 2020, no more than 500 words.
Sep 01
Conference Date
Registration deadline
2024-12-13 China Xuzhou
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2022非牛顿流体力学研讨会2021-10-08 China 宜昌市(Yichang)
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