Presentation 〔OPEN〕

My Presentation


The 2021 International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)  is the 6th Version of I2CT , It is is one the premier conference of Asia Pacific exchanging technical research in convergence in Technology and provides attendees with a unique opportunity to share, discuss, and witness research results in all areas of science and technologies and their applications; including; Energy Harvesting, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning , Internet of Things (IoT), Localization, Convergence in Technology, and Security to name a few. The conference attendance boasts an outstanding mix of practitioners and researchers from industry and academia.

You will get face-to-face time with the top researchers and scientists working on different field of Technology around globe. There will be plenty of new discoveries and information presented that will inspire you to use innovative technologies in different ways for your research and academia/ Industry need.This year we are organizing the 6th Version of I2CT , The International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) is one of the premier conference of the Asia Pacific and technically sponsored by IEEE Bombay Section which was incepted in In 1976, the Bombay Section was formed with a Territory of Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat (which later separated to form a Section itself on 15th August 1990), Madhya Pradesh (which now includes newly formed Chhattisgarh) and Diu & Daman UT (Except Pune Metropolitan City which is separate Section from 26th June 2010), closely followed by Bangalore & Delhi.In each year around researchers from 29 countries participated in the conference.


Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

The theme for 6th I2CT 2021 is convergence in Innovative Technology – researchers and engineers will be brought together from academia and industry, and they will freely expose their ideas and opinions on emerging issues in the field of electrical, electronics and computer engineering as well as information technologies.

Submission Topics

Artificial Intelligence
Wireless Networking
Computational Intelligence
Advanced Computing
Electronics and Interdisciplinary
Data Communication and Networking
Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Power Engineering and Control System
Signal and Image Processing
Communication System
Biomedical Engineering
Design, Materials and Manufacturing
Fleet Technologies
Special Call for Papers
Convergence in Technology

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Apr 02



    Apr 04


  • Sep 30 2020

    Draft paper submission deadline

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Organized By
IEEE Bombay Section
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