Due to the COVID-19 situation, BCI2021 will be held in a mixture of virtual and on-site methods. Please check out for more information at the announcement.
Different approaches to Brain-Computer Interfaces have been developed, each one with specific solutions that range from understanding and explaining cognitive functions over communicating with real and virtual environments by thought alone to real-time monitoring of cognitive states. In order to foster the exchanges of innovative and challenging ideas, the 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface aims to encourage overview, in-depth talks and discussions on the latest research at all levels of BCI research. Its devotion includes invasive recording, semi-invasive ECoG, non-invasive EEG, non-invasive NIRS and fMRI measurement and potential combinations of the different methods furthermore advances in data analysis. Informal open discussion will be highly encouraged during its poster session.
Sponsor Type:1; 9
General Co-Chairs
Seong-Whan Lee Korea University, Korea
Klaus-Robert Müller TU Berlin, Germany
Program Co-Chairs
Cuntai Guan NTU, Singapore
Laehyun Kim KIST, Korea
Program Committee
Jinung An DGIST, Korea
Wonzoo Chung Korea Univeristy, Korea
Xiaorong Gao Tsinghua University, China
Chang-Hwan Im Hanyang University, Korea
Sungho Jo KAIST, Korea
Sung Chan Jun GIST, Korea
Sung-Phil Kim UNIST, Korea
Andrea Kübler University of Würzburg, Germany
Sang Wan Lee KAIST, Korea
José del R. Millán The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Michael H. Smith UC Berkeley, USA
Christian Wallraven Korea Univeristy, Korea
Competition Co-Chairs
Seong-Whan Lee Korea University, Korea
Klaus-Robert Müller TU Berlin, Germany
José del R. Millán The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Publication Co-Chairs
Han-Jeong Hwang Korea University, Korea
Tae-Eui Kam Korea University, Korea
Registration Chair
Dong-Joo Kim Korea University, Korea
Local Arrangements Chair
Heung-Il Suk Korea University, Korea
The conference topics include, but are not limited to:
Novel BCI paradigms to elicit and collect data in different settings
Methods for the identification of mental status for BCI
Novel ideas for the combination of different mental strategies
Innovative theories or methodologies for user- or environment-adaptive BCIs
Advanced machine learning techniques for bio-signal processing and classification
Novel ideas and methodologies for multi-modal BCI
Novel methods or concepts for neurofeedback
Ideas for the advancement of BCI through open source collaboration
Applications of BCI including games, neuro-rehabilitation, environment control, virtual reality, etc.
Demos of BCI systems
Feb 22
Feb 24
Draft paper submission deadline
Registration deadline
2019-02-18 South Korea
The 7th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface2016-02-22 South Korea Gangwon-do, Korea (South)
2016 4th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface2015-01-12 South Korea
2015 3rd International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface2014-02-17 South Korea
2014 International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface
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