
RTAS’21, the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium will be held online, as part of the CPS-IoT Week 2021 from the 18th to the 21st of May, 2021.

RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems research related to embedded systems and time-sensitive systems (of any size).

The scope of RTAS ranges from traditional hard real-time systems to embedded systems without explicit timing requirements, including latency-sensitive systems with informal or soft real-time requirements.

RTAS 2021 will be Virtual. The dates of the conference will remain the same. 

Sponsor Type:1


General Chair:
Gernot Heiser, UNSW Sydney and Data61, CSIRO

Program and Track 1 Chair:
Nan Guan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Track 2 Chair:
Claire Pagetti, ONERA

Track 1 Deputy Chair:
Alessandro Biondi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa

Track 2 Deputy Chair:
Haibo Zeng, Virginia Tech

Brief Presentation Chair:
Wanli Chang, University of York

Publicity Chair:
Renato Mancuso, Boston University

Artifact Evaluation Chair:
Hyoseung Kim, University of California, Riverside

Publication Chair (of CPS-IoT Week):
Geoffrey Nelissen, Eindhoven University of Technology

Web Chair:
Tianyu Zhang, Northeastern University, China

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification

Submission Topics

Track 1: Systems, Architecture and Applications

Track 1 focuses on research of an empirical nature pertaining to systems, architecture and applications for time-sensitive or embedded systems. Track 1 also welcomes applied systems papers that focus on practical issues other than timing in the broader field of embedded/CPS/IoT systems and applications. Topics relevant to this track include, but are not limited to:

real-time and embedded operating systems,
middleware and runtime systems for real-time and embedded systems,
CPS and IoT infrastructure,
hardware architectures for real-time/embedded systems, and
WCET analysis and WCET-oriented software design.

Track 2: Applied Methodologies and Foundations

Track 2 focuses on fundamental models, techniques, methods, and analyses that are applicable to time-sensitive systems to solve specific problems. Submissions to this track must consider some form of timing requirements, which includes both classical hard or soft real-time systems as well as latency-sensitive systems in domains such as (but not limited to) CPS, IoT or the Cloud. Topics relevant to this track include, but are not limited to:

scheduling and resource allocation,
specification languages and tools,
system-level optimization and co-design techniques,
design space exploration, and
verification and validation methodologies.

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    May 18



    May 21


  • Oct 26 2020

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Jan 17 2021

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • May 21 2021

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
IEEE Computer Society