About Aerospace; Bioengineering; Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies; Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems; Computing and Processing; Engineered Materials, Dielectricsand Plasmas; Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics; Geoscience; Photonics and Electrooptics; Power, Energy and Industry Applications; Transportation
Keywords:Electromagnetics,Antennas,Electromagnetic Compatibility,Wireless,Biomedical Engineering,Nanotechnology,Numerical models,EMP radiation effects,Electromagnetic Interference,Measurement,Electromagnetic devices,Computational electromagnetics,Optoelectronic devices,Integrated optoelectronics,Photonics,Terahertz Imaging,Radar,Radio Astronomy,Radiofrequency identification,Communication systems,Communication systems security,Materials,
Scope: The 24th edition of the ICEAA is coupled to the 12th edition of the IEEEAPWC. The two conferences consist of invited and contributed papers, and share a common organization, registration fee, submission site, workshops and short courses, and social events. The proceedings of both conferences will be published on IEEE Xplore
Sponsor Type:1; 9
Sep 05
Sep 09
Registration deadline
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