Offshore Convention Argentina Virtual 2021, is the only online virtual event that focusing on the burgeoning Offshore E&P development in Argentina. Offshore Convention Argentina Virtual 2021 will combine with Virtual Exhibition showcase, Webinar session and 1-to-1 Match-Making Online creating a one-stop business matching platform for all industry players to share knowledge, expand business contacts and get rid of the Covid-19 travel restricts. Unlike a typical webcast or virtual event, Offshore Convention Argentina Virtual 2021 is an all-in-one online event platform optimized for connecting, for learning, knowledge sharing, networking and engaging with all industry and policymakers. From a virtual exhibition to one-to-one meetings with other attendees based on your profile, B2B matchmaking with local developers and more, you will have the chance to build your global network and find potential clients without having to leave your home or office.
Offshore exploration is expected to boost Argentina's reserves, in 2018, 18% of the Argentina's gas production came from offshore areas. In May 2019, Argentina awarded permits to begin hydrocarbon exploration in 18 areas off the coast of the Buenos Aires province, the Austral basin and the Malvinas West basin. The winning companies offered bids totaling US$724 million to explore the areas, up to 13 years to explore the deepest areas, and 11 years for the concessions closest to the coast.
Offshore Convention Argentina Virtual 2021, schedule on June 11, is a 2-day gathering of international experts from all over the world to share project case studies, discuss opportunities and deliver solutions for the major opportunities & challenges faced by the industry. It should be the ideal platform for offshore industry stake holders/individuals to know the latest updates and explore partnership opportunities for staying ahead of the game. This year's high-profile event will bring together distinguished participants from global offshore industry including regulators, IOCs,NOCs, oilfield services companies, drilling contractors, engineering consulting, equipment & technical solution providers, investment banks & funds and legal firms, etc.
Jun 11
Conference Date
Registration deadline
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