
ICRAMI 2021 aims to bring researchers, practitioners together to present the most up-to-date achievements, to meet new colleagues, collect new ideas and establish new cooperation between research groups and provide a platform for researchers from academic and industry to present their original work and exchange ideas, information, techniques and applications in the field of Mathematics and Computer sciences, including, but not limited to the broad topics of Partial Derivative Equation, Dynamical System, Operations Research, Numerical Analysis, Operator theory, Soft Computing, Cryptology & Security Analysis, Image Processing, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, IoT, Pervasive Computing and other emerging areas of research.

Sponsor Type:3; 9


General Chairs

Hakim Bendjenna , University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Nouri Boumaza,, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Salem Abdelmalek, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Steering Committee

Hakim Bendjenna, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Kamel Haouam, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Med Ridda Laouar, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Mohmaed Amroune , University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Rebii Belgacem, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Salam Abdelmalek, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Program Co-Chairs

Laouar Med Ridda, University Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Lawrence Chung, University  Texas, USA

Patnaik Srikanta, SOA university, India

Organizing Committee chairs

Abdallah Meraoumia, Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria

Adel Ouannas , Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria

Lakhdar Laimeche, Larbi Tebessi university, Algeria

Publication Chairs

Mohamed Amroune

Makhlouf Derdour

Publicity Chair

Ledmi Abdeldjalil, University of Khenchela, Algeria

Yaakoub Bouallag, University of Laarbi Tebessi, Algeria

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline

Submission Topics

Prospective authors are invited to submit their one-page abstracts on the related, but not limited, following topics of interest:

Numerical Solution of ODEs and PDEs
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Mathematical modeling
Dynamical systems and their applications
Optimization Techniques and Control
Operator Theory, Fixed Point Theory
Bifurcations and chaos theory
Fractional calculus and its applications
Internet and Internet Computing, Intelligent Systems, Mobile Computing, E-Society
Information Systems, Software Engineering
Machine Intelligence, Adaptive and Learning Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Game Theory
Big data, data mining and opinion mining
Pattern Analysis and Machine Vision
Security, cryptography, trust and forensics
Knowledge and Data Technology
Smart Wireless Sensors, signal Processing

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Sep 21



    Sep 22


  • Mar 04 2021

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Sep 22 2021

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
Algeria Section Laboratory of MAthematics, Informatics and Systems (LAMIS)