Innovation, Sustainability and Legacy conference, will be organised at the Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, on 19-23 September 2022.
Innovation, Sustainability and Legacy incorporates:
the IASS Annual Symposium (IASS SYMPOSIUM 2022) and the 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Spatial Structures (APCS 2022)
The theme of the symposium covers all aspects related to theory, analysis, design, material, construction, manufacture and maintenance. In particular, this Symposium is focused on the following topics:
1. Legacy of antiquity spatial structures: historical review, projects, introduction and modern exploitation;
2. Reuse of refurbished facilities integrating legacy and sustainable benefits;
3. Disaster mitigation: wind and earthquake induced vibration control, epidemic prevention and earthquake resistant buildings, fire protection, blast prevention.
Sep 19
Sep 22
Abstract Submission Deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Early Bird Registration
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
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