
The 16th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2022) will be held at Philadelphia, PA. NAS provides a high-quality international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research on networking, high-performance computer architecture, and parallel and distributed data storage technologies. NAS 2022 will expose participants to the most recent developments in the interdisciplinary areas.


General Chair

Jie Wu, Temple University

Web Chair

Jianhui Yue, Michigan Tech University

Steering Committee

Xubin He, Temple University  (Chair)

Laxmi N Bhuyan, UCR

Chita Das, Penn State

Hong Jiang, UT  Arlington

Changsheng Xie, HUST, China

Qing Yang, U of Rhode Island

Call for paper

The International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage provides a high-quality international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research on networking, high-performance computer architecture, and parallel and distributed data storage technologies. NAS 2022 will expose participants to the most recent developments in the interdisciplinary areas.

Each submission can be either a regular paper(up to 8 pages) or a short paper(up to 4 pages), including all text, figures, tables, footnotes, appendices, references, etc. Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. The program committee will nominate best papers for recognition in the three conference topic areas. All papers will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insight, experimental evaluation, and potential for long-term impact; new-idea papers are encouraged. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE digital library.


  • Please make sure that your submission satisfies all the requirements listed below.
  • The paper must have an abstract, maximum 250 words.
  • The paper must be original material that has not been previously published in another conference or journal, nor is currently under review by another conference or journal. Note that you may submit material presented previously at a workshop without copyrighted proceedings.
  • The submission is limited to 8 8.5"x11" single-spaced double-column pages using 10pt or larger font.
  • Your paper must be formatted in such a way that it is clear to understand (including plots and diagrams) with a black and white print-out.
  • Please number the pages.
  • The paper must be submitted in PDF format. We cannot accept any other format, and we must be able to print the document just as we receive it.
  • We strongly suggest that you use only the four widely-used printer fonts: Times, Helvetica, Courier, and Symbol.
  • We highly recommend that authors use the IEEE Conference templates with the above formatting requirements.
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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Oct 03



    Oct 04


  • Oct 04 2022

    Registration deadline

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