About the event
Radar 2022 is a prime opportunity for radar specialists at all career stages to update and enhance your knowledge on the latest developments in advanced radar systems.
You will hear presentations covering the latest developments in the sphere, tutorials on key elements of radar technology, competitions on signal processing and keynote addresses from leading experts.
You now have the chance to be part of the conference programme: submit your draft paper by 18 April 2022 to take advantage of the significant presentation and publication opportunities on offer to our authors.
Conference Chair
Iain Scott, Leonardo
Organising Committee
Bill Stafford, BAES
Alessio Balleri, Cranfield
Andy May, DSTL
Dave Blacknell, DSTL
Jordi Barr, DSTL
Julian Le Kernec, Glasgow University
Chris Mountford, Leonardo
Bal Virdee, London Metropolitan University
Darren Coe, QinetiQ
Seifallah Jardak, Toshiba BRIL
Matt Ritchie, UCL
Chris Baker, University of Birmingham
Mike Davies, University of Edinburgh
Theme A - Radar Environment and Phenomenology
A1: Propagation, foliage penetration
A2: Target and clutter signature
A3: Low observable design
A4: Multifunction systems simulation
Theme B - Radar Systems
B1: Ground to air surveillance
B2: Ground to space surveillance
B3: Naval and coastal surveillance
B4: Airborne surveillance
B5: Fire control radar
B6: Meteorological radars
B7: Secondary radar
B8: ATM systems
B9: Multifunction, active/passive RF-EW-CNI systems
B10: Emission control, LPI Radars
B11: Networks of sensors
B12: Multiplatform/Multisite systems
B14: Counterstealth detection
B15: Design/validation of complex systems
B16: Frequency spectral challenges to radar systems
B17: Weather radar
B18: Ballistic defence missiles
Theme C - Remote Sensing from Airborne or Spaceborne Systems
C1: SAR modes for 2D and interferometric SAR
C2: Distributed/bistatic or multistatic systems
C3: Innovative SAR concepts
C4: Space situational awareness (SSA)
C5: Maritime situational awareness (MSA)
Theme D - Waveform Design, Beamforming and Signal Processing
D1: Space-time waveforms/processing (STAP)
D2: Knowledge aided (KA) STAP
D3: Adaptive beamforming
D4: Coloured/interleaved transmission, MIMO
D5: Multifrequency/multipolarisation techniques
D6: Target extraction from clutter and jamming
D7: Detection, CFAR, tracking after/before detection
D8: Cognitive radar
Theme E - Emerging Radar Applications
E1: Mine detection
E2: Pollution detection, environment monitoring
E3: Automatic cruise control/security control
E4: Docking aid, tank gauge
E5: Surveillance of runways/detection of debris
E6: Sense and avoid
Theme F - Emerging Technologies
F1: Bistatic/multistatic
F2: Time and frequency synchronisation
F3: Passive detection and location, triangulation
F4: Low frequency radar
F5: Millimetre radar/radiometry
F6: Dual band radar
F7: Ultra wide band radar
F8: Laser radar
F9: High power solid state
F10: RF photonics
F11: Superconducting oscillators and filters
F12: MEMS for radar applications
F13: Conformal, non-standard antenna
F14: Bio-inspired radars
F15: Health monitoring radars
F16: Radar entomology
Theme G - Advanced Sub-Systems Technologies
G1: New antenna concepts
G2: Wideband antennas and radomes
G3: Antenna calibration
G4: Frequency/angular selective structures
G5: RF filtering
G6: Future T/R modules
G7: High speed analog to digital converters
G8: RF modular architectures
G9: Integrated modular avionics
G10: Reconfigurable processing architectures
G11: Benefits of civilian technologies (COTS)
Theme H - Computer Modelling, Simulation and Validation
H1: Virtual prototyping
H2: Environment modelling
H3: Performance evaluation
Theme I - Radar Management Techniques
I1: Multifunction radar/Waveform management
I2: Data fusion, resources allocation
I3: Radar beam scheduling and planning
I4: Multicriteria optimisation
I5: Multilateration/cooperation of sensors
I6: A-SMGCS (Advanced- Surface Movement Guidance and Control System)
Theme J - Automatic Classification
J3: Modelling/learning
J4: High range resolution systems
J5: Sensor fusion for identification
The submission process
Authors wishing to submit papers and present at RARAR 2022 are required to submit a full paper (maximum six pages) for consideration by the Conference’s Technical Programme Committee.
Following the review of full papers by the committee to decide the format of their presentation (oral/poster), successful authors will be invited to present at the conference.
Successful authors of full papers will then be invited to attend and present their work at RARAR 2022 as either a PowerPoint Presentation or Poster display.
Writing a full paper
Full papers are required for all submissions. These must be submitted using the template form provided. Please ensure all text/diagrams fit within the template and use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 10
Full papers must be submitted by 18 April 2022 if they are to be considered for the conference.
The working language of the conference is English, which will be used for all printed material, presentations and discussion.
Before submission, make sure that the following material is ready:
Your full paper title, all authors’ names, email addresses and affiliations.
Your prepared full paper file of no more than six A4 pages, using the paper template form provided, including title, names, affiliations and full draft paper in word format (file size maximum 10MB).
Your preferred topic area is chosen from the conference technical scope.
Have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions before publishing your paper. You will be asked to confirm your agreement during submission.
Note: The technical programme committee reserves the right to change the authors’ choice of topic area
Submitting your full paper
If you are submitting more than one paper you can use the same email address and password for each abstract.
Enter the online submission system.
Enter your email address, if you are a new user the system will ask you to fill in your name and password. If you have used the system before you will just have to log in.
Once you are successfully logged in follow the on-screen instructions and complete all fields.
Your submission can be edited at any time before the deadline date.
Accepted papers
Should your paper be accepted, please take note of the key dates at the top of this page, in particular the deadline dates.
Each paper must have at least one author registered by 18 July 2022, to avoid the paper being withdrawn from the conference proceedings.
Authors presenting more than two papers must pay the additional paper fee. The author must be present at the conference to present the submission either orally or by poster presentation or the paper will not be published.
The IET or other associated societies cannot meet any travelling or subsistence expenses for authors, either prior to or during the conference
Personal data
Personal data will be processed by the Institution and its associated organisations for the purpose of organising your attendance at this event.
It may also be used for the promotion of other IET products and services and contacting you for market research purposes.
By providing us with your postal address, email address and telephone number you agree that we may contact you by these methods.
You can change this preference at any time by either contacting us by post, following the link on a received email or amending your preferences if you have a MyIET online account.
Oct 25
Oct 27
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
Registration deadline
2026-05-11 United States Phoenix
2026 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf'26)2024-10-21 France Rennes
2024 International Radar Conference2023-11-06 Australia Sydney
2023 IEEE International Radar Conference
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