
The IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), previously referred to as ICDL-EpiRob, is the premier gathering of professionals dedicated to the advancement of cognitive and developmental learning. As such, ICDL is a unique conference gathering researchers from computer science, robotics, psychology and developmental science.

Sponsor Type:1; 1; 9; 9

Call for paper

Submission Topics

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Principles and Theories of Development and Learning
Development of Sensorimotor Skills in Biological Systems and Robots
Nature vs. Nurture, Developmental Stages
Models and Architectures for Active Learning, Interactive Learning, Lifelong Learning, Social Learning
Novel Machine Learning and Neural Networks algorithms
Models of Perception in Biological and Artificial Agents
Emergence of Body Schema and Affordance Perception
Models of Consciousness and the Self
Analysis and Modelling of Human Motion and Mental/Emotional States
Models for Prediction, Planning and Problem Solving
Models of Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction
Emergence of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Epistemological Foundations and Philosophical Issues
Novel Machine Learning and Neural Networks algorithms
Robot Prototyping of Human and Animal Skills
Ethics and Trust in Computational Intelligence and Robotics

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Nov 09



    Nov 11


  • Nov 11 2023

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Shenzhen University
University of Science & Technology of China - USTC