
AboutCommunication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Keywords:Data communications, Networking, Communications and Networks,Internet of Things,
Scope:IEEE INFOCOM solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. The conference invites submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and experimental research.
Sponsor Type:1

Call for paper

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Abstract submission deadline

Submission Topics

IEEE INFOCOM 2022 solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computer and data communications networks. We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research. Topics include but are not limited to:

5G and beyond networks
Age of Information
Big data and machine learning for networks
Cellular networks
Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing
Challenged Environments (underwater, underground)
Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
Cross-layer optimization and control
Cyber-physical systems
Datacenter networking
Dynamic spectrum sharing
Energy efficiency in networks
Edge and fog computing/networking
Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability
Information security and privacy
Information-centric networking
Interference management and mitigation
Internet architecture
Internet of Things
Localization and location-based services
Medium access control
MIMO-based networking
mmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks
Mobile sensing and applications
Mobility management and models
Multimedia networking
Network economics and pricing
Network management
Network measurement and analysis
Network security and privacy
Network virtualization
Optical networks
Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
Quality-of-service and resource management
Quantum networking
Router and switch design
Routing and multicast
Scaling laws and fundamental limits
Smart grid applications
Social computing and networks
Software-defined networking
Studies on testbeds and large-scale experimental platforms
Vehicular networks
Web applications and content distribution

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    May 05



    May 08


  • Jul 31 2021

    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • May 08 2025

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
IEEE Communications Society