
AVSS-2022 is the 18th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of video and signal-based surveillance. The goal is to provide a game-changing and cross-disciplinary forum that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance the frontiers of theories, methods, systems, and applications.

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General Chair

Javier Ortega-Garcia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

General Co-Chair

Tieniu Tan, Chinese Academy of Science CASIA, China

Technical Program Chairs

Xiaoming Liu, Michigan State University, USA

Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Marco Leo, CNR, Inst. of Applied Science and Intelligent Systems, Italy

Ruben Tolosana, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Call for paper

Important date

Draft paper submission deadline
Draft paper acceptance notification

Submission Topics

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

SENSOR-CENTRIC PROCESSING: Sensors (visible/infrared/3D/mm and wave/audio/radio, etc.) | Ground, airborne, satellite based (fixed/mobile /UAV) | Crowdsourcing (cellular/social networks) | Calibration and positioning (GPS, etc.) | Communications and networked sensing | Distributed Camera Networks and Smart Cameras | Participatory Sensing

PROCESSING, DETECTION, TRACKING & RECOGNITION: Modelling and feature selection | Detection and estimation (change/motion/anomaly/saliency/pattern) | Data association and (multi) target tracking | Classification and recognition | Multi-modal fusion

VISUALIZATION AND INTERACTION CONCEPTS FOR SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS: Compression and summarization | Archival, search and retrieval | Human-computer interfaces | Visualization algorithms | Mobile and distributed interaction

ANALYTICS, SITUATION AWARENESS & DECISION MAKING: Activity/interaction analysis and monitoring | Intention estimation and situation awareness | Crowdsourcing-based methods | Cognitive dynamic systems and bioinspired methods

SECURITY & PRIVACY: Data authenticity | Privacy in surveillance | Attacks on Surveillance Vulnerabilities | Forensics | Biometrics (standoff, multi-modal, voice, etc.) | Cybersecurity for surveillance (wireless, network, computer) | Advanced Biometrics at a Distance

SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS: Hardware and software architectures | Research prototypes | Simulators | Civilian, industrial, and military | Transportation (road, rail, air, maritime) | Performance evaluation

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    Nov 29



    Dec 02


  • Jun 30 2022

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • Sep 20 2022

    Draft Paper Acceptance Notification

  • Dec 02 2022

    Registration deadline

Sponsored By
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Signal Processing Society