The International Symposium on iNnovative Informatics of Biskra (ISNIB) is the succession of the eighth previous editions of SNIB (SNIB'2015, SNIB'2008,..., SNIB'1995). The Symposium provides a professional forum for sharing new findings and results in theory, methodology and application In various areas of computing such as Artificial Intelligence, Image and Computer Vision, Internet-of-Things, Software engineering, Networking, Data mining and optimization.
Honorary Chairs
Ahmed Boutarfaia
Rector of Mohamed khider University, Biskra, Algeria
Abdellah Attaf
Dean of the faculty of exact sciences, khider University, Biskra, Algeria
Program Chairs
Abdelhamid Djeffal
Mohamed khider University, Biskra, Algeria
Laid Kahloul
Mohamed khider University, Biskra, Algeria
Organizing Chair
Okba Tibermacine
Mohamed khider University, Biskra, Algeria
The ISNIB aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners designing and deploying systems that belong to one of the six tracks of the symposium. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Track 1. Artificial Intelligence
Track 2. Image and artificial life
Track 3. Software Engineering
Track 4. Computer Networks
Track 5. Data mining and optimization
Track 6. Parallel Computing and Systems
Dec 07
Jun 16
Draft paper submission deadline
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
Final Paper Deadline
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