
IEEE DSC has become one of the most important and attractive international conferences, mainly focusing on data science and its application in cyberspace. Data Science is playing a more and more critical and central role in the development of cyberspace and various applications. Data science in cyberspace is an integral part of competitive intelligence, a newly emerging field that encompasses a number of activities, such as data mining and data analysis. Data science in cyberspace inspires novel techniques and theories drawn from many areas, such as mathematics, statistics, information theory, computer science, and social science, and involves many specific domains, such as signal processing, probability models, machine learning, statistical learning, data mining, database, data engineering, pattern recognition and learning, visualization, predictive analytics, uncertainty modeling, data warehousing, data compression, computer programming, and high performance computing.

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  • Conference Date

    Jul 11



    Jul 13


  • Jul 13 2022

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IEEE Computer Society
Organized By
IEEE Computer Society