2023 IEEE 5th Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication and Engineering (IEEE ECICE 2023) will be held in Yunlin, Taiwan on 27-29 October 2023, and it will provide a unified communication platform for researchers with IoT and Advanced Manufacturing topics. The booming economic development in Asia, particularly the leading manufacturing industries from auto-mobile, machinery, computer, communication, consumer product, flat panel display to semiconductor and micro/nano areas have attracted intense attention among universities, research institutions and many industrial corporations. This conference aims to provide a broad international forum for world researchers, engineers, and professionals working in the areas of IOT and manufacturing to discuss and exchange various scientific, technical and management aspects across the wide spectrum of the society. The theme of the conference is set as smart manufacturing, focusing on new and emerging technologies. Papers with innovative idea or research results in all aspects of advanced manufacture are encouraged to submit. This conference is must attentive towards strong interactions among researchers disseminating their high-quality research results.
Topics of interest include as followings:
The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library if the papers fit the scopes of IEEE (IEEE fields). Papers of other fields will be sent to Scopus for reviewed and indexed. To maintain a high quality of conference proceeding, the English of full papers should be good enough. We will request authors to send the full papers for English editing if the papers do not pass the review process by the Program Committees.
The official language is English. Submission of the abstract should be done via the submission system website https://www.ecice.asia/ by August 31, 2023. Prospective authors with accepted abstract are invited to submit their full papers through online submission system by November 20, 2023. Accepted abstracts can be arranged for oral or poster presentation. The length of the full paper is 3-6 pages.
A. Internet & IOT technology
B. Communication Science & Engineering
C. Computer Science & Information Technology
D. Computational Science & Engineering
E. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
F. Mechanical & Automation Engineering
G. Advanced Machining and Forming Processes
H. Micro- and Nano-Fabrication
I. Surface manufacturing processes
J. Gears Manufacturing
K. Bio-medical Manufacturing
L. Precision Engineering Measurement
M. Robotics and Automation
N. Additive Manufacturing Technology
O. Smart Manufacturing Technology for Industry 4.0
P. Environmental Sustainability
Q. Others
The official language is English. Submission of the abstract should be done via the submission system website https://www.ecice.asia/ by August 31, 2023. Prospective authors with accepted abstract are invited to submit their full papers through online submission system by November 20, 2023. Accepted abstracts can be arranged for oral or poster presentation. The length of the full paper is 3-6 pages.
Oct 27
Oct 29
Abstract Submission Deadline
Draft paper submission deadline
Abstract Notification of Acceptance
Registration deadline
Final Paper Deadline
2024-11-15 Taiwan, China Huwei
2024 IEEE 6th Eurasia Conference on IoT, Communication and Engineering2022-10-28 Taiwan, China
2022 IEEE 4th Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering2021-10-29 Taiwan, China Yunlin
2021 IEEE 3rd Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering
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