AboutEngineered Materials, Dielectrics and Plasmas; Power, Energy and Industry Applications Keywords:Packaging and System Integration; Smart Energy Electrical EquipCIEEC 2024,Advanced Electrical Machine System,Machine Drives and Controls,Transportation Electrification,High-efficiency Power Conversion,High-Reliability and Intelligent Power,Electronics Technology,New Energy Power System,Energy Internet,Power System Planning and Operation,Integrated Energy System, Power Market and Demand Response,New Energy Infrastructure,Smart Operation and Maintenance,Power Electronics Devices,Packaging. Scope:About 800 professional persons are expect to attend conference, including representatives from government and international associations, academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, representative from universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, and youth representative etc. The conference will be composed by keynote session, technical session, industry forums, the topic will cover main area of electrical and energy. Sponsor Type:1; 3; 3; 9; 9
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