

       数据驱动控制与学习系统会议(DDCLS)是由中国自动化学会数据驱动控制、学习与优化专业委员会和青岛大学联合主办, IEEE北京分会和北京信息科技大学协办的综合性学术会议,会议旨在为数据驱动控制、学习与优化领域的国内外学者与技术人员提供一个学术交流平台,展示最新的理论与技术成果。 经DDCLS组委会综合考量评估决定,由河南大学承办的2024年IEEE第十三届数据驱动控制与学习系统会议(DDCLS’24)将于2024年5月17-19日在河南开封召开。会议旨在为数据驱动控制、学习与优化领域的国内外学者与技术人员提供一个学术交流平台,展示最新的理论与技术成果。会议采用大会报告、专题研讨会、会前专题讲座、分组报告和张贴论文等形式进行交流。
       目前,DDCLS组委会正在积极安排各项会议筹备工作,详细的信息正在持续更新中,请各位参会人员密切关注会议网站 及时获取更多的会议信息。


Call for paper

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Draft paper submission deadline

The 2024 IEEE 13th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS’24), an annual conference jointly organized by technical committee on Data Driven Control, Learning and Optimization, Chinese Association of Automation, sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section and Beijing Information Science and Technology University, and locally organized by Henan University,will be held during May 17-19, 2024 in Kaifeng, Henan Province, China. The objectives of DDCLS’24 are to provide high quality research and professional interactions on the advancements of theory, technology and practical applications in the fields of data-driven control, learning, automation and optimization. The conference consists of keynote addresses, distinguished lectures, panel discussions, workshops, oral and poster sessions.

The DDCLS conference has been successfully held for 12 years. The wonderful invited presentations, fruitful research results, in-depth academic exchanges and various conference forums have forged the soaring wings of DDCLS conference. Even during the pandemic in the past several years, the organizing committee and the local organizers still had dedicated all their efforts to hold this high-quality academic event in-site with hundreds of participants. DDCLS has already been issued as the Top Academic Conferences by Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST) in 2022, and the DDCLS conference is also listed in the A-class conference catalog by CAA..

Kaifeng City, where this conference will be held, is located in the hinterland of North China Plain and the east of Henan Province. It is one of the well-known historical and cultural cities in China. With a history of more than 4,100 years, Kaifeng has successively experienced the Xia Dynasty, the State of Wei in the Warring States Period, the later Liang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou, Song and Jin Dynasties, so it is called “the ancient capital of the eight dynasties”, giving births to the influential "Song culture" and the China's ten famous paintings "Qingming River Map". Today, Kaifeng is not only an excellent tourist and cultural city, but also an emerging sub-central city in Henan Province, and an important wing of the integrated development of Zhengzhou and Kaifeng.

Submission Topics

The English papers accepted by our previous DDCLS conferences had been included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by EI Compendex or ISTP database. The DDCLS’24 will cover both theory and applications in all the areas of data driven control and learning systems. The topics of interest include, but not limited to:


  • Data-driven control theory, approaches and applications 
  • Model-free adaptive control theory and applications 
  • Active disturbance rejection control and applications 
  • Data-driven fault diagnosis, health maintenance and performance evaluation 
  • Iterative learning identification, iterative learning control(repetitive control) 
  • Data-driven modeling, optimization, scheduling, decision and simulation 
  • Statistical learning, machine learning, data mining and practical applications in automation field 
  • Neural networks, fuzzy systems control methods in data driven manner 
  • Adaptive dynamic programming, reinforcement learning and learning based control 
  • Robustness on data-driven control 
  • Relationships between data-driven and model-based control methods 
  • Complementary controller design approaches and relationships between data-driven and model-based control methods 
  • Applications of data-driven methods to industrial processes
  • Data-driven modeling, control and optimization for traffic systems 
  • Data-driven control for practical complex processes
  • Technology and applications of complex big-data systems 
  • Big data in industrial processes and its applications in modeling and control 


Submission Notices: Full papers (regular or invited) describing original work, extended abstract, invited session proposals should be submitted by December 31, 2023 through the portal Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers at DDCLS’24. For further information and submission requirements for manuscript, please refer to the conference website or contact us via email

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Important Date
  • Conference Date

    May 17



    May 19


  • Dec 31 2023

    Draft paper submission deadline

  • May 19 2024

    Registration deadline

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